Feed Board
Take Care Of Environment
Students should start being more aware and conscious of environment. We don't have to do much to keep our campuses and cities clean, and do things to save energy and water. It's no longer a matter to be neglected, because environment degradation is taking place now, and it's happening at an alarming rate. If we don't take small steps, then who will? And we can start by sharing information with our friends and family members. Eventually, we can think of doing more university campaigns and programmes.
Sania Afroze
North South Univresity,
Religious Study
Photo Courtesy: Internet |
Religion is complicated in the current time. People think of religion in a very simplistic way, when religion requires a lot of in-depth understanding of history and culture. Also, religion cannot be absolute. I will not read religious texts the way people did when the texts were written, quite simply because times have changed. Meanings change and things get lost in translation as well. Islam is followed differently in different places of the world. Religion cannot be taught in “one” way, and religion should be open to discussions and criticism too, to understand religion more deeply and intelligently.
Shoeb Mallick
East West University,
The Speed!
I am looking forward to watch the Bangla movie “The Speed!” The hilarious facebook statuses by my friends light up my day! People on facebook keep posting the ridiculous dialogues and keep asking people to watch the movie. I watched “Khoj-The Search” with my friends and cousins, and I still laugh out loud when I think of that experience. The nauseatingly melodramatic acting, cheesy dialogues and ridiculous dance numbers were reasons enough for anyone to go to the movies and have a good laugh. Surely, “The Speed” is not going to let me down!
Nazia Mehboob
Viqarunnisa Noon College,
Business Thriving Online!
Photo Courtesy: Internet |
Nowadays there are so many online businesses and most of them are run by young people. It's quite impressive what the young students are doing with technology. They make clothes, bags, accessories, etc and that too based on their own designs. Young people are braver now, because they do not step back from experimenting and taking chances, and also being open to criticism. Star Campus should write an article on these online businesses to promote the young entrepreneurs.
Suraiya Jahan
Ahsanulla University, Dhaka.
Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
Interesting Book Reviews
It's great that Star Campus decided to do exclusive reviews on books that came out in the Boi Mela 2012. We don't get to read about these books anywhere, and it is a good thing that Star Campus is promoting new and young writers. Bangladesh has a thriving writing culture. Young people are writing in English and Bangla, and posting their write ups on facbook and different blogs. More promotion and encouragement will lead to young people experimenting more with writing!
Shubhash Kumar
University of Asia Pacific,
Dear Readers,
Write us feeds between 100-150 words and send them with your full name, contact number, postal address and the institution you study or work at. Email them to us at starcampus@thedailystar.net or mail them to us at 64-65, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215.