Star Chat
Grasping Dreams with Both Hands
Photographer Naser Hossain Imran
Talks to
Naziba Basher
Courtesy: Naser Hossain Imran |
I was a student at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) High School in Mymensingh. Then I came to Dhaka and studied in Notre Dame College.
Most of my memories have, sadly, faded these days, but as far as I remember, I used to be a big fan of school sports. My best memory was probably when our team won the local cricket tournament.
I am currently doing my Masters in Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana State University (LSU), Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Before that, I completed my Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). During my university days I was more independent, socially and monetarily. So I grew wings-- wings that allowed me to study or practice things like photography or robotics and also introduced me to my new-found love for travelling.
Some of the best memories from university worth mentioning, are probably the day I received my confirmation of admission, all those outings and photo-walks with the BUET Photographic Society folks, going to Saint Martin's islands with the whole batch and the many cultural as well as social events that were celebrated while I was a student at BUET.
Right now, I am a graduate research assistant at LSU and received commendation as a co-chair in the ME-GSC 2012 held at LSU. Before that I used to be a web-master for the Department of ME Engineering at BUET. I also worked as a teaching assistant at Center for Energy Studies, BUET for a while and was a member of the Abu Robocon 2010 team. As for photography, I have been the president of BUET Photographic Society and won a few prizes at a few exhibitions. Some of my work was selected for Nat Geo Daily Dozen, Vision 09-UK, Sony World Photography Award, The Smithsonian Museum Online Collection and one of my pictures recently won the 1st prize in the Digital Media Festival at LSU.
My greatest inspiration was not anyone of flesh and blood. It was just 'circumstances' that drove me to become what I am-- part engineer, part photographer, part 'wannabe' thinker and pop culture enthusiast. I was and still am a creature without inspiration, but not without a dream. I do whatever I deem righteous and pleasing in my own, self-taught brand of justice. My parents died almost 5 years ago. Since then, I have pretty much looked after myself. I have three sisters who have helped me tremendously in my endeavours as well. But society has been rather unforgiving.
I wish I could become a fully established photographer and travel the world taking photographs and get paid for them. But, unfortunately, I have invested too much time and effort in becoming an engineer. If somewhere along the line, I come across a roadblock, I would certainly think of switching professions.
I would love to bring about a change, not dramatic, but a gradual change in the social scenario in Bangladesh that would inspire people to make 'A difference' on their own. Violence and corruption is increasing in the education scene, and so is the number of people who think irrationally. If I ever have the chance, I would like to turn a few people to the path of rational thinking, and perhaps see the infection spread for the common good. It does not matter if that is through my photography or my contribution to engineering, either will do.
I want to tell all the hopeful young ones out there to stop hankering after expensive camera gears and accessories. A foot long lens does not make you a photographer, a full frame camera body is not necessary for making a difference. What needs to be done is to train your sense of composition and lighting first, without them you are just a spoiled, pretentious brat.
