Feed Board
Spare the Students
I have a long list of issues with the ongoing hartals in our country, but I have a more immediate and pressing concern regarding the one particular group being adversely affected by them- the students. This is the exam season, and students at different education levels are sitting at home, stressing about when they will finally get to take their respective exams, instead of actually studying for them. Students taking the O'level and A'level examinations, as well as ones sitting for their SSC and HSC exams are getting their schedules messed up. I, personally, have been unable to take two of my finals, which were scheduled for last week. I am very anxious to graduate and start working. I ask the politicians of our country to stop with all the protests and strikes so that we, the youth of the nation, can cross these significant hurdles in our lives. This is an extremely important time for us.
Anan Ahmed
North South University, Dhaka.
Cheepmonks Rule!
I read the Cheepmonks article in last week's issue, and I was so intrigued, I just had to check them out on youtube. I am happy to announce that I was not disappointed with what I saw. The video was clever, original and refreshing. I watched the “Anti Littering” video, and thought it was particularly good. Keep up the good work guys. I hope to see more and more of your work on television and the internet, or any form of media, in the future. I am glad that the young people are being pro-active and using the new media to express their ideas in innovative ways.
Raisa Rahman
Scholastica, Dhaka.
Metal Is Dead. Let It Go.
As someone who is musically inclined and enthusiastic about discovering and enjoying the work of new artists, I enjoyed my teen years in Dhaka, going to underground concerts and listening to new tracks on various mixed albums. Recently I have noticed that the underground has been invaded and conquered by metal music. This came as a highly unpleasant surprise, and I do not just say that as someone who despises the genre. The rest of the world has moved far away from metal. The genre is obsolete. I would like to make a plea to the youth of Dhaka city: please wake up, smell the coffee, and listen to the wide array of excellent music being made by contemporary artists. Please stop dressing in black, wearing black makeup and roaming the streets with your tongues out. It is not attractive. Metal is dead. Let it go.
Renaud Shah
BRAC University, Dhaka.
Dealing with the summer heat
The Campus Trends last week was a helpful article. The scorching heat is getting on the nerves of the outgoing people. The unbearable heat can easily make people feel fatigued and all kinds of plans of students and office goers can be hampered greatly. Waking up early with a sweat attack is infuriating, and taking a shower before office or university is of no use as well. Trend setters must keep in mind that the daily outfit must be comfortable, and should go with the changing weather. If people do not take the necessary precautions to stay fresh on a hot day, a good day can just turn out to be really bad.
Dewan Sonia
North South University
Living in Dhaka
Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
Living in Dhaka city is becoming hectic day by day. The people of the city are always in a rush and have to stress over when they have to go from one place to another. Needless to say, traffic congestion is a great nuisance for the city dwellers. The amount of time that is getting wasted behind traffic is causing great economic loss. People are trying to make ends-meet and stoop to desperate ways to do things, such as crossing busy roads by not using the over bridges to save time. The struggle that the commuters face riding vehicles is a common scene in the city. They take risks to ride buses because quite simply they do not have other means. These risks however cost lives, for which there should be mass awareness of traffic safety. We need to remember that life is more valuable than time.
Md Khorshed Alam
University of Rajshahi,