After Class
12 years of CUET DS
Ehsan Uddin Sourov
"We love to dream & work for it. And by reaching the goal, we will enlighten our society as well as our loving country”, says Morium Binte Aziz, Vice-president of CUET Debating Society.
CUET DS is one of the student organizations of Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET). A relatively young club, CUET Debating Society started its journey in February 14, 2000 with a goal to gather the youth and make them effective citizens by heart. Didarul Islam was the first president of the organization. The organization is going with a slogan “Jukti diye gia shuddho attar gaan (singing songs of the pure soul with the use of logic)”.
Members of CUET Debating Society. Photo: CUET DS |
After establishment, it did not need to look back. Earlier it arranged various program in the campus. In the last few years it organised several national programmes in CUET such as the Inter University Debate Festival in 2008, Inter Club Debate Competition in 2009, Youth Festival in 2010 and 2011. In the debate arena, it won several debate competitions.
This year CUET DS reached a milestone of its 12 years journey on February 14, 2012. “We are very grateful to our seniors, present members, teachers and sponsors who were with us throughout this whole journey. Would would like to specially thank our chief patron, Honorable Vice-chancellor of CUET, Professor Dr Shyamal Kanti Biswas. Without their help our journey would not have been possible. ”,says by Arifur Liton, President of CUET DS. To celebrate their 12th year there were a number of events organised such as an Inter Hall Debate Festival, an Inter Club Tech. Debate, a Workshop on Program Management, an Education Fare by CLAP and a cultural program.
CUET DS never confined its activities only on debating. Besides debate, it works on various social and cultural activities. It has three wings-- Korotali, Probhat feree and Michil. All the three wings work together to execute the decisions of the organisation. In short, Korotali works for debate, Probhat feree celebrates national days, promotes our traditional culture and Michil works with publication and activities that comes from social responsibilities. Abir Hasan, Joint general secretary, says, "CUET DS offers to its member to do anything that is good for our nation and we try to develop the leadership skills of our members.” They have recently hosted a tournament titled “Debate Super League” Besides these events, CUET Debating Society is working with some national and international youth organisations.
To achieve the success for over 12 years, all the members worked hard. “Behind the success, the core ingredient was our 'adda' (hangout)”, says Organising Secretary, Tanvir Hossain. Every Wednesday, our 'adda' is held where the members express their ideas and takes decisions for the upcoming events. Current national and international issues are also discussed. Apart from planning and decision making, the 'adda' is also great fun. Every member tries to join in on and contribute regularly.
(The writer is the current General Secratery of CUET Debating Society, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology).