News Room
CHPD seminar at IUB

Dr. Suneeta Sharma, Ph. D, MHA, Senior Health Economist, Constella Futures, was the featured speaker at a seminar entitled 'Policy Approach to Improve Healthcare Access Among the Poor' organised by the Centre for Health, Population and Development (CHPD) at Independent University, Bangladesh on June 28. Prof. Omar Rahman, Pro VC of IUB and Executive Director of CHPD moderated the seminar which was chaired by VC Prof. Bazlul Mobin Chowdhury. Dr. Tanvir A Khan, Registrar IUB delivered the vote of thanks.
Mahendra Lal Barman Merit Scholarship distributed
Dr. Uttam Kumar Das
The Mahendra Lal Barman Merit Scholarship 2006 has been distributed through a formal ceremony held at Modhupur Rani Bhabani Pilot High School at Modhupur in Tangail district on 30 June 2007 (Saturday). Mahendra Lal Barman Foundation (MLBF) awarded the scholarship which included a token amount and a certificate.
Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya, Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) was the Chief Guest in the programme while Dr. Irina Bhattacharya, Chief Executive Director of Justice Debesh Bhattacharya Foundation and Dr. A. M. Parvez Rahim, Thana Nirbahi Officer of Modhupur were special guests. Ms. Niva Rani Barman, wife of late Mr. Barman was present in the function. It was presided over by Professor Golam Samdani of Modhupur University College and Chairperson of MLBF. The function was addressed by Mr. Saidul Islam, General Secretary of MLBF, Mr. Bazlur Rashid Khan Chunnu, Principal-in-Charge of Modhupur Shahid Smriti Higher Secondary School, Mr. Montaz Ali, Principal-in-Charge of Modhupur University College, Shaikh Abdul Jalil, Headmaster of Modhupur Rani Bhabani Pilot High School, Khandker Abdul Gafur Montu, Ex-Chairman of Modhupur Union Council, Mr. Saif Uddin, a former student of Mr. Barman and ex-Chairman of Modhupur Union Council, Mr. Khademul Islam, President of Modhupur Branch of Bangladesh Primary School Association and member of MLBF, Mr. M. A. Rauf, Editor of Modhupur Barta and General Secretary of Modhupur Press Club, Mr. Bappi Siddiqui and Mr. Abdul Aziz among others. Mr. Shahidul Islam, Member of MLBF conducted it.
In his speech Professor Golam Samdani termed late Mr. Barman, the founder of Modhupur University College, as an idle and devoted educationist who dreamt a prosperous Bangladesh. Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya lauded the role of late Mr. Barman, a BA and B.Ed, during anti-British movement and the 1971-liberation war of Bangladesh.
(Advocate, High Court Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh)
Seminar on “Advances in Food Science & Technology”
The Department of Food Science & Technology, State University of Bangladesh organized a seminar on “Problems Advances in Food Science & Technology” on Sunday, 24 June, 2007 at the auditorium of the University.
The Keynote speaker was Maj. Gen (Retd.) Amjad Khan Choudhury, CEO of PRAN Group. After the keynote address a lively discussions was held on food safety, quality control and good manufacturing practice, prevention of adulteration for proper economic development and protection of health of the consumers.
The seminar was sumarized by Prof. Ilyas Dhami, Chairperson of the session who elaborated on the role of SUB in bringing in new dimension in training and education in our country. Prof. S F Rubbi, Head of the Department of Food Science and Technology in his welcome address informed the present situation of Food Science and Technology in our country and emphasized the requirement of food safety, hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and prevention of adulteration.
Songs of Kazi Nazrul Islam performed by NSUSS
Sabrina Hasan Shoily
On Tuesday, June 19, North South University Shangskritik Shangathan (NSUSS) presented a show titled 'Indrodhonu'. It comprised mainly of love songs and poems by our national poet, Kazi Nazrul Islam. The intention behind doing this show was mainly to bring out the romantic side of Nazrul other than his revolutionary image that he always has. Songs like 'Priyo emon raat', 'Chand herichhe chand', 'Nohe nohe priyo', 'Mora aar jonome' etc were performed and in between the songs poems were recited. The change in the flavour of music was definitely appreciated by the NSU students and faculty members and everyone got a much appreciated break from the everyday dosage of rock/pop/hip-hop and a chance to get closer to their roots through the magic of the love songs of Nazrul!
ADUST Freshers' Receiption
Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology's (ADUST) Freshers' Receiption for summer semester-2007 was organized by ADUST cultural alliance held on 30th June,2007 at its Gulshan Campus. The opening ceremony was presided by Prof.Dr.Kabir Hossain Talukder, Resgistrar, ADUST while chief guest was Vice Chancellor Prof.Dr.Anwara Begum. Among others Prof. Dr. Sukomal Barua, Dhaka University, Ariful Bari Majumder, Director, ADUST, Dr. Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Chairman and Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, ADUST, Prof. Dr. Shirajul Islam Chowdhury, ADUST, N. K. Nasim, Dept. of English, ADUST, Prof. M. Ataur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Commerce, ADUST, Mr. S. M. Motiur Rahman, Chairman, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, N. I. Khan, Asst. Prof. and BBA coordinator also spoke in this occasion. Dr. Safiullah, Associate Prof. and Coordinator MBA program conducted the program while Taslim Arif, Lecturer, Law Dept. gave vote of thanks. Prof. Dr. Anwara Begum commented that ADUST is now moving upward trend as its main motto is to provide knowledge based education. A colourful cultural program was followed by the opening ceremony. NSU introduces Bangla course North South University (NSU) has introduced a Bangla Language and Literature course in the current Summer 2007 semester. The persistent knock on private universities has been that Bangla is generally neglected and overlooked. The medium of instruction at these universities is English and only one private university apparently offers degree awarding program on Bangla. The main reason for the introduction of the Bangla course at NSU is to expose the students to the beauty, tradition and glory of the native language, literature and culture.
The offer of the Bangla course is a concrete step to remove the misconception that NSU is averse to Bangla language or culture. A total of 17 students signed up for the pioneering Bangla course. The reception of the course among the enrolled students is very encouraging and it is expected that an increasing number of NSU students will take the course in the forthcoming semester. The university has plans to expand the Bangla program in the future.
Seminar at Northern College
A seminar titled “How to Ensure Effective Classroom Teaching” was held at Northern College, Bangladesh recently. Vice Chancellor Dr. Shamsul Haque attended the seminar as chief guest while Prof. Md. Mostafa Kamal presented the keynote paper. Other teachers and guests attended the seminar.
Seminar at School of Business, IUB
A seminar was held in the School of Business (SB) of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) on Wednesday, July 4th, 2007. The speakers were Dr. Sharif As-Saber, Senior Lecturer and Dr. Hoa Levitas, Manager International Relations, Monash University. Dr. Saber spoke on "Geopolitics & International Business in the 21st Century" and Dr. Levitas on “Tips, Tactics and Strategies for AusAID and Monash Scholarships”. Mr. Hanif Mahtab, Leturer, SB and Registrar, Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Khan spoke on the occasion. The seminar was attended by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Bazlul Mobin Chowdhury, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Omar Rahman, Director-In-Charge of the School of Business, Dr. Nadim Jahangir, faculties, students, and management of IUB.
Training workshop at Northern University
The Department of Business Administration of Northern University, Bangladesh (NUB) organised a 9-day long training workshop on Fit 4 Future for the students of Business Administration from 20 to 29 June. The objective of the training was to get acquainted with the job market requirements and process.
IUB drama festival
On the occasion of the 11th Convocation of the Independent University Bangladesh, the university is going to stage dramas at the Jatiyo Natyoshala, Bangladesh Shilpokala Academy at Segunbagicha, Dhaka.
The drama will be staged as per following schedule: -
"Uncle Vanya" by Anton Chekhov (adapted by David Mamet), Directed by Dr. Shahidul Alam, staged yesterday, 7th July,2007 at 7.00pm (in English)
"Budo Shaliker Ghade Roa" by Micheal Madhusudan Datta, Directed by Ms Samina Lutfa, Today at 7.00 p.m. (in Bangla)
Venue: Jatiyo Natyoshala, Bangladesh Shilpokala Academy,
It would be a fabulous program with lots of colour and feelings.
Orientation at Eastern University
Orientation ceremony for Summer Semester 2007 of Eastern University was held on the campus on June 30. The programme was held in two sessions. The first session was organised in the morning for fresher students of Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Law. Mr. Harry Shutt, international advisor of Eastern University was the chief guest while Mr. Iqbalur Rahman, member, Board of Governors, Eastern University Foundation was the special guest.
The second session was organised for the fresher students of the Faculty of Business Administration in the afternoon. Mr. SM Emdadul Islam, member, Board of Governors, Eastern University Foundation was the chief guest.
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