Debating extravaganza at Viqarunnisa Noon School & College
The Daily Star - Viqarunnisa Noon Debating Club 3rd Children's, 6th Inter-School & 6th Inter-club Debate Championship 2007
Marzia Hoque Tania
Debate is a medium. With a view to making people more logical and sophisticated, this medium is fast becoming popular in Bangladesh. And to become a part of this movement, Viqarunnisa Debating Club (VDC) was founded in 1990.
This September V.D.C is going to celebrate 17th year of its glorious journey, the journey which begun with lots of inspiration and promises. The club that took its first step with confidence is now heading towards the peak of its success, earning many laurels on the way. Today it is being counted amongst the best debating clubs in the country. With new hopes and new inspirations every year V.D.C. organizes a Bangla and English debate festival. We say this with great pride that we have already arranged 13 inter-schools, 11 inter-club, 3 children's and 3 inter-college debate championships in Bangla. We succeed in organizing 6 English debate championships as well.
In this regard VDC would like to thank Prothom Alo and Tibet and of course The Daily Star, who supported us mentally as well as financially to arrange English Debate competition in a festive way.
VDC feels honoured to have DR. Imtiaz Ahmed of Dhaka University in the inaugural ceremony on June 28 and Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya in the closing as well as prize giving ceremony held on July 1, 2007.
Every year we set the club-year on the basis of some segment such as politics, economics etc for both Bangla and English debate. Our theme for the recent English debate championship was-
“This world has lost its glory
Let's start a brand new story.”
Every year we publish two souvenirs on the occasion. One is published during Bangla festival and the other during English one. The edited version, which is called “Sonsito Sonkolon” is the specialized version concerning the debate and its rules and regulations. The motive of this edited version is to refresh ourselves from all kinds of narrowness and enlighten our minds. We think the souvenir we publish is pioneering contribution to the debating society. “Shunrit”, the Bangla souvenir was on Laws and Ethics while the English one was about Parliamentary debate.
In all 60 teams from 23 institutions fought for this year's championship at different levels. They debated on topics like world market, globalization, political context of Bangladesh, history and heritage of Bangladesh, children's right, universal humanity, contribution of mass media, dream destination: earth-2200 in parliamentary debate format. Students of class 5 to 7 debated on OUR DREAM DESTINATION: EARTH 2200 WILL BE FREE FROM ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION. Zarin Tasnim, Nasiba Hasan, Tasnim Zaman from VDC were the members of champion team. Zarin was the best speaker defeating the runner-up VDC. THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT WE NEED DOERS NOT DREAMERS - By defeating Manarat-2 VDC- Infinity proved that actually we need dreamers too.
Lamia Aroni, Parsa Sanjana, Samia Aboni were the champions. The best speaker was Sumaiya Anjum Kashfi of runners up team Manarat-2.
IBA and North South University-2 were in a debate to prove “The more global we become, the better”. IBA became the champion. Mohammad Arbaaz Nayeem (best speaker), Ridwan Karim, Md. Golam Kibria were the members of IBA team.
In public speaking people get the chance to present their own thoughts by using the voice of the soul to heal the world. After all we make decisions in life basing on what we believe. Public speaking gives us the occasion to recognize our thoughts, emotions with a passion, which is only ours. Let's start a brand new story, this was the topic for children's level public speaking. Maliha Sultana won the championship trophy and Syeda Shama Tahsin stood second and Zarin Tasnim took the third position. All of them were from VDC. But, something is still untold. Samia Aboni (VDC) was announced the champion in public speaking in school level. Even Shovon Shahrair (MGBS) and Humaira Taz took second and third position. Arbaaz Nayem became the champion of club level public speaking. Sohab Sayeed of East West University won the runners up trophy. Nabila Tasneem (VDC) and Nazm-us-Sadat shared the second runners up trophy.
We believe that we need to be disciplined to succeed in any work hence we introduced the award named “Excellence in discipline” award. This year Sunbeams School in children's level, VDC in school level and IBA in club level won the awards.
For the very first time VDC completed all the registration procedures, collecting write-up, invitations through the Internet. On this occasion VDC is inviting all of its ex-members, past members of executive committee, lifetime members to be forum members of This is how every VDC member can act like a family. VDC has a wish to celebrate the 2nd Friday of September from this year as its birthday as the official birthday falling on 16th September is not a holiday all the time. Our website is sponsored by the Brac.
The main objective is to generate creativity, honesty and thoughtfulness in everyone. We organize the debate festivals to create ground for the students who want to share their views with others and to work on it. We help students to raise their voice to lead us into the Twenty-first Century. It is not important to us how festive the fair gets, rather we want to create a concrete base among students where they would be encouraged freely to express their thoughts and learn to present it in a nice way.
We try to make our generation ready to face life using their talent and presenting their ability. We want them to be valiant and try to encourage them to question. Because we think analytical intelligence is basic requirement for all kinds of invention. We dream for a better nation and a better world as the song goes "Heal the world make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race".
(President, Executive Committee 2006-07 Viqarunnisa Noon Debating Club)
VNC debating festival
Tazmia Islam Nion
"The World has lost its glory; let's start a brand new story."- With this slogan The Daily Star- Viqarunnisa Noon Debating Club Organised the three-day long debate competition on Thursday, June 28. The 3rd Children's Championship, 6th Inter-School Championship and 6th Inter-Club Debate Championship 2007 was held on Viqarunnisa Noon School and College Campus auditorium. The program was inaugurated by Professor Imtiaz Ahmed of International Relations Department of Dhaka University. He also chaired the program as the Chief Guest.
In his inaugural speech Professor Imtiaz Said that debate enriches the progress of civilization. He also added that debate had a significant contribution to the development of the Asian advancement. Mr. Imtiaz described three factors as the important means for debate- Criticism, Information and Clarity.
Syed Badrul Ahsan, Editor, Current Affairs of The Daily Star, was present on the occasion as a Special Guest and talked about the importance of such events. Shamim Jahan Ahsan, the Moderator of Viqarunnisa Noon Debating Club addressed the opening speech. Among others Ambia Khatun, Head of Mathematics Department and Rokeya Akhter Begum, Head of Physics Department of Viqarunnisa Noon College was present on the inauguration program and spoke on the occasion.
The three day long competition ended with the renowned economist and Executive Director of Centre for Policy Dialogue-CPD, Dr. Debapriyo Bhattacharya attending as the chief guest.
In his speech Dr. Debopriyo said that debate trains us to respect other's views. He also described the importance of debate to understand the presence of diversified thinking among people's mind. Dr. Debopriyo handed over awards, crests and certificates among the winners.
The prize giving ceremony was chaired by the Principal of Viqarunnisa Noon College, Tahmina Khanom. Dr. Abdun Nur Tushar, former debater, and Dr. Mojibur Rahman Hawlader, member of the governing body of the Viqarunnisa Noon School and College were also present on the occasion. The debate festival was moderated By Shamim Jahan Ahsan.

(R) 2007