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Star Health
Steroid overuse is harmful
Steroids (usually corticosteroids) are powerful drugs which can improve symptoms and provoke incredible results. There are potential consequences to their use though.
Healthy eating tips for coming Eid-ul-Azha
Tomorrow is Eid-ul-Azha, one of the biggest festivals of Muslims. It is time for religious celebrations, parties, family get-togethers and bulging bellies.
Psychological treatments ease low back pain
Pooled results from 22 clinical trials show that psychological interventions help individuals with chronic low back pain experience less actual pain, less pain-related interference with daily living,less
Change your lifestyle in 2007
All health information to keep you up to date
The biggest problem in the world today is not probably war or natural calamities, but ‘Today’s lifestyle’.
Teeth decay due to gastric juice
Heart burn commonly known as acidity or gastric problems develop from excessive secretion of gastric juice (mixture of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, intrinsic factor and mucus secreted by the cells of the
Optimists may have longer lives
Optimists may enjoy longer lives than people with a dimmer outlook on the future, a long-term study suggests.
Maintain Hygiene at Eid
Healthy living: Maintain hygiene issues at coming Eid-ul-Azha. Wash the blood immediately after slaughtering animal.
Seminar on childhood TB
Bangladesh Paediatric Pulmonology Forum (BPPF) arranged a seminar on "Diagnosis of Childhood TB" on December 26, 2006 at BICH Auditorium, Dhaka Shishu Hospital, Dhaka - says a press release.
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