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Letters to Editor
Stop catching Jatka
Hilsha is the national fish of Bangladesh. Its unique taste and nutritional value has made it the most popular fish not only in Bangladesh but around many parts of the world too.
A success story
The pharmaceuticals industry is a big contributor to our national economy. Its contribution is increasing year by year. Twenty years ago multinational companies dominated this industry.
Quality of TV programmes
Nowadays, our country has lots of TV channels. The electronic media is growing. This is obviously good for the people as they can become aware of what is happening around.
Two different incidents
There is a lot of difference between the two happenings, the first one had taken place in broad daylight near the Jatiya Press Club in full view of the public, while the second one took place at night
Two questions
I congratulate Mr. Abu Sufiyan for realising that the BNP Is doing negative politics & that the leaders of the AL are incompetent.
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