From Jhenidah
Lovely: The Best Teacher
Azibor Rahman
As a teacher of Government Primary School, Lovely has earned the love and respect of many. Not only name and fame, she has been awarded the “Best Teacher” award in 2006 for her contribution to primary education.
Lovely was born in 1972 at Foyla village under Kaligonj upazila, Jhenidah. Her father Golam Rasul is a businessman and mother Rupban Begum is a housewife.
Lovely was a bright student in her childhood. After the completion of her primary education, Lovely passed the S.S.C. examination in 1988 and her Masters in 2000. She devoted herself to a teaching profession in November 27, 1993. She started her career as a teacher at Mothonpur Government primary school of the upazila.
On her first day as a teacher, she understandably got nervous. She found out that although a lot of students were registered on paper, they weren't actually there. She tried to find a way to bring up the attendance. After this she did something very unusual. She went to the house of every student and invited them to a meeting. The number of students showing up shot up.
Later, Lovely joined Barobazar Government Primary School in December 1996. She also developed the environment of the school here. She tended to the garden of the school getting rid of weeds and other unrestrained growths. She made a flower and vegetables gardens. She also arranged cultural programs for the mental development of the students.
Realizing her efforts, UNICEF went ahead to assist the institution. The Pilot project started from there. Next, Lovely was promoted to head mistress.
Lovely is now the head mistress of Shoaib Nagar Government Model Primary School under the Kaligonj pourasava. She joined in June 30, 2004. There are 470 students including 11 teachers. She is ambitiously running the school with her assistants.
¾ of the students got scholarship in the previous years while 11 student got scholarship last year. Her present colleagues are very happy to work with her. They also praised her very highly.
The students also love her very much. Commissioner Mosharaf Hossain, also President of the Managing Committee of the school said, “the school is full of life thanks to the initiatives of Lovely Apa”.
(R) 2007 |