The Dark Side of the Moon is an awesome album. More awesome is the man who walked on the moon and so we pay our tribute to this legend and another who shares the Armstrong name. We also look at just why looking good pays more and all the phobias that plague one of our own. All that with something to talk about for fans of music and another month end Beta Writers Bonanza.
Moyukh Mahtab, RS Junior Sub-editor
Be a shining fruit basket
By Orin
Cucumber, potato, green tea, eggs, oil, salt and mayonnaise. Carrot, strawberry, honey and lemon.
If for a single moment you thought we were talking about making a new salad with a lot of seasonal fruits and vegetables, your guess is about as accurate as the BTV eight o' clock news. These are not food that you eat to avoid nightly lectures from your mom at the dinner table. These are not things that you consume for acquiring energy to fight through the Friday crowd at Gawsia. These are nature's beauty secrets to make your skin so amazingly glow-y that your friends can make your life worthwhile by using you as a lamp during load shedding.
RS being experts at pretty much everything else, we ventured a little into the awkward and ever confusing world of beauty treatments. And our thorough research (from reading two blogs and futilely remembering countless pages of beauty columns in newspapers) has established that we have mastered the art of squeezing the beauty out of kitchen items.
If you are a noob in the magnificent world of beauty, let us enlighten you. Seeking beauty takes one to great adventures - namely the kitchen. If you have no idea of its whereabouts, it is the place where occasionally food smells come from. We assume your olfactory senses work and you have found your way. Now look around. Grab whatever vegetable or seasonal fruit you can. Peel them, smash them, simmer them in hot water if you want, put some salt, oil and mayo here and there and you have your facial mask. Putting it on your face does all it's intended to do - make you feel like a complete idiot. If your rookie mind tries to spew questions like 'Why put orange peels on your face when you can eat oranges and get all the benefits?' or 'Why should you put green teabags on your eyes when resting them would be a much better option to refresh you?' - ignore them. Everyone knows eating your fruits instead of rubbing them on your face will not result in beautiful skin. Healthy eating is the biggest scam of 20th century.
The path to beauty, as the self-claimed beauty goddesses state, is simple and elegant. Halfway through a shower and found out that you are out of conditioner? Have no worry, just pop open the bottle of vinegar or the egg carton in your shower kit and put some of either or both, on your head. That's what every regular person does. Woke up with a coin sized pimple on your forehead on prom day? Just put some toothpaste on it, which is the most reasonable solution. Rub some baking soda on your body to tan it or put an omelette on your face to make it glow. It doesn't matter. There is only one rule to the beauty world - everything is permitted… and arbitrary.
By Padya
Surely there have been plenty of times when you've been shouted at for having your room upside down. Clothes thrown all over the place, books scattered on your table and a plate of food somewhere underneath all that. Yes, you know where to find what, but there are times when you are compelled to clean up your room be it guests or just so your mother can have some peace. Here are some tips on how to.
The most important thing would be to have the will to get this done. Motivate yourself, put on some upbeat music that you can work to. Or just make up your own cleaning up song. Sing your heart out and start undoing the mess.
Start with the smaller things first. The messes within the mess. Yes, fix the mess-ception. The tangled wires, the scraps of paper, little board game pieces, the unnecessary boxes and manuals which came with your phone. Throw out the things you don't need, like that failed math paper from last year, an ancient newspaper you never bothered to keep in place or the empty packet of chips. Don't cram your table with text books from your entire school life. Look for juniors whom you can donate these to. The same thing applies in the case of old toys you barely play with. You will clear out your desk as well as help someone at the same time.
A very important part of cleaning a room is making the bed. I know it can be a long and frustrating process but make it fun. Find a bed with which has something you like - such as a favourite character or the logo of a sports team. You can even find matching bedcovers. Make sure the bed sheet isn't crinkled and the pillows are well organised.
Speaking of well organised, that is the most important phrase when it comes to fixing up messy rooms. Organise all your possessions according to certain characteristics they hold. Keep books on the shelves, where they look prettier rather than all stacked up on your desk. You can have separate drawers for electronics, DVDs, notebooks etc. Use boxes to keep things which might get lost easily. Make the best use of paper and marker to label these boxes. If you're paranoid something such as money might get stolen, keep it in a locked drawer.
Check your wall for any “graffiti” you or a younger relative may have done. Buy some paint and brushes; paint your wall any way you like. Maybe with your own logo - to make it your lair. Keep it simple, don't take risks if you aren't experienced. Dirty walls are not nice to look at. Neither are crammed cupboards. If you just throw clothes under your bed or haphazardly into the cupboard, you need a lesson in folding. Find some time and stack your clothes, according to shirts and pants, like you see in shops.
At the end of the process, if it's a job well done, give yourself a pat on the back and an Employee of the Year award. Take pictures of your fresh “new” room, upload it on Facebook because it deserves to be shown off. This can be your new hobby and you can never get bored again. Maybe.

People like to talk. Apparently without issues. Not really a surprise considering our politicians. Here're some of the things they said.
Ummi Waseka Chowdhury
Secured an A in English! Thanks to RS and coaching teacher.
You have to secure and hold, though. Otherwise the A might run away. - RS
Shahreem Ahsan
I'll never get myself to like Ant man.
Yes, ants are annoying, very annoying. Guess that spilled over. - RS
Munzarin Rahman
First time Eid in Australia, not in the festive mood I always am during this time of the year. I mean, no jhikimiki clothes, no Ittyadi TV and no Le Taka. It's actually the people around us that make Eid so special and awesome.
Distance gives clarity. But hindsight is also perfect. No jams, no road rage, no going to the village with the constant threat of a crash hanging over your head. You have to take the good with the bad. - RS
Masnoon Zayeem [via E-mail]
Exorbitant Eid Salami has led RS to bunk a week I guess. Guys, your next publication should be of 16 pages instead of 8.
Eid isn't properly over yet. Let us enjoy our time off a little. - RS