Redrawing the Heroes of Freedom
By Sabhanaz Rashid Diya

The current informed Bangladesh often faces a dilemma in an effort to make the future nation builders more aware of their cultural heritage and past. The 1971 War of Liberation is a bloody, yet glorified mark in our history and it is our conscientious responsibility to make the generations of tomorrow aptly informed about it.
Hence, in cause of educating our children about our past, Shudhui Muktijuddho Publication has recently come up with a set of 7 Liberation War comic books that illustrate the lives of the 7 Biirsrestho and their contribution to the independence of Bangladesh. The comics quite elaborately take the readers through an unbiased journey of how each of these heroes have fought valiantly to liberate their motherlands, and is an exciting and
acknowledging read for all, not only children.
The main author behind this remarkable initiative is Lt. Col. (Retd.) Kazi Sajjad Ali Zahir (Biir Protik) with scripts from Mitu, Anik Khan, Bondona Kabir and Ghalib Asadullah. The artists behind the illustrations are Mehdi Haque, Shahriar, Tonmoy, Mitu, Turzo and Tarek Saifullah. The series has been edited by the renowned writer and columnist, Ahsan Habib. Through an eloquent syntax of free sketches, collage and water colours; this comic series is an excellent depiction of the lives of the nation's biggest historical fighters, honoured with the highest ranks.
What has made this series of Liberation War comics an exciting find for this reviewer is the simplicity and necessity behind such an initiative.
Our younger generations are often at a loss when it comes to interesting ways of learning our past, in tandem to the accuracy of the facts; and presenting our history in a way that easily captures their attention is indeed a brilliant idea. Surprisingly, the comic books have not only been accepted graciously by the children they are intended for, but also give adults and young adults an opportunity to revisit the history books in a new and improved manner.

The Liberation War comics are available in a set comprising of 7 seven and is currently available at Nandan Super Shop and Muktijuddho Jadughor (Liberation War Museum) at a price of Tk. 160. It is now our responsibility to take these comic books to the masses of children and inspire them to know more about our history and independence.