Star Diary
Child in a Poly-Bag
Photo: Mahamudul Hassan Murad |
A few days ago, I went to a tea stall where I saw a mother, who wrapped her child in a poly-bag. I was struck by this scene. Children of affluent families play in cradles with a lot of expensive toys and yet they cry. But that child was very happy being there; he had no objections. He was probably thinking that he was the happiest child in the world. He didn't know what waited for him in the future.
I asked his mother why she put her child in the poly-bag and was shocked when I heard her reply. She told me that she did that to cripple her child crippled. She told me she would do whatever it takes to cripple her child. I asked her why she was doing this to her son. She replied that if her child becomes crippled, her income will increase. I was completely shaken. I was also thinking about the child. He won't enjoy basic amenities of life. He won't be laughing in the future. I was sorry, because I could not do anything for the child and his family. In the future when I will earn money, I want to help families like these.
Md Mahamudul Hassan Murad
Only Money
This happened to me when I went to an eye specialist a few days back. The specialist gave me a prescription and told me to make the spectacles from his optics shop. I took his advice and went to the shop. As I gave them the prescription, they gave me a certain type of spectacles and said these would suite me best. I took their advice and ordered for them. But when I went to the counter, they told me the price for the spectacle was twice as much as the ordinary ones. When I asked why, they replied that their spectacles were special in some ways etc. I got really angry and said that I'd go somewhere else and order my spectacles. Then they said that the doctor signed the paper by writing that the spectacles are needed to be made from that particular shop. I was left with no choice but to order the spectacles from that shop. I thought this was unfair, but what can be done about.
Nusrat Jahin Angela
Banani, Dhaka
Man All Man
The other day I was having a cup of tea at the canteen of my office with a few of my colleagues. I suddenly noticed that everyone's attention was on the small TV, attached to the wall of the canteen. At first, I did not find this strange since it is natural for people of a cricket playing country like Bangladesh, to be interested in cricket. But then I realised that the guys were rather amused and overtly eager to watch the match. That is when I noticed the players were women. Many of the viewers were making funny noises, whistling and saying; things like: "See that one, she is good looking". It is very sad that although these women are talented players displaying their sportsmanship, they are still, in the eyes of men, reduced to mere objects, to be credited only for their looks. It makes one wonder if this tendency of men to objectify women will ever change. When will men stop aspiring to being James Bonds, without his other talents of course?
Lolita Nawaz,
Farmgate, Dhaka