Those of us who love tea are also fond of savoury biscuits. Biscuits
dipped in hot tea taste great during the breakfast. Today the shelves
of supermarkets are lined with biscuit tins most of, which are imported
from Malaysia. With tiny packets inside containing a wide variety of
creamy, non-creamy, chocolate and non-chocolate biscuits, one of such
tins is worth purchasing each month. There are too many brands to choose
from, there are Summer Day, Golden Treats, Golden Delights, Topmix etc.
Each of these biscuit tins will cost you around tk.200 in the general
and superstores of Dhaka.
CDs are great for saving big files; the floppy diskettes have too limited
capacity and they are going out of date. Superstores like PQS have blank
CDs in their collection. Those one-time-use blank CDs will cost you
about tk.35 while the re-writable ones are available at well over tk.150.
Diseases like typhoid, jaundice and chicken pox are on the rise. And
in this season, it's good if you drink a lot of liquid and a lot of
fresh fruits to keep these diseases at bay. Try purchasing those stimulating
green coconuts from the local fruit vendors. Washing your face with
water of green coconut will also fade those marks left by chicken pox.
Each green coconut now costs within tk.8 to tk.10. Chapa, which a small-sized
breed of banana, taste sweet and a tad tangy and is great for health
during this season; each dozen will cost you around tk.12. Sugarcane
is also good for fighting diseases during this season. If possible,
extract the juice of sugarcane and drink to keep yourself healthy.
fruit juices
Australian fruit juices are renowned for their purity and nutrition.
Pacific Orchard's fruit juices are available in small bottles of 250
ml in PQS. These fruit juices are free of any kind of added colours,
sugar or preservatives. Available in flavours apple, apple & blackcurrant,
orange etc, each 250 ml bottle will cost you tk.60. This summer try
some invigorating fruit juices keep your body steady and healthy.
In the branches of Aarong, you can get hold of a variety of multicoloured
and multi shaped cushions to add good taste to your abode. Available
in forms of heart, moon, fish and so much more, these colourful cushions
are worth purchasing and giving that cute look to your and your child's
bedroom. Prices will vary by size, but within tk.150 you can buy one
of these lovely cushions to enhance the beauty of your bedroom.
To add the desired flavour to your foods and drinks, food essences are
essential indeed. Foster Clark's food essences are available in fruit
flavours like banana, lemon, strawberry, orange and so much more, in
the outlets of PQS. Each little bottle will cost you about tk.35. So
add your favourite essence to your foods and wait to hear words of appreciation
from friends and family.
Wara Karim
today, gone tomorrow
It's a thought that causes many people to have sleepless nights. Hair
has such a strong hold on people’s lives that a silly statistical survey
for a silly university course has shown hair raising results. People
on average will rate having hair as more important than having three
meals a day. Some would even kill for someone else's hair and that is
in the literal sense. It is amazing the lengths people will go to for
having hair.
It is said that white hair is a sign of wisdom. All the sage people
in movies dealing with wisdom of a thousand years show people with flowing
white hair. There's Rayden of Mortal Kombat and the masters from Kill
Bill and Karate Kid. Okay, so Master Miyagi of Karate Kid didn't exactly
have it flowing but you get the drift. People in general don't want
to be so blatant with their wisdom. They conceal it with all kinds of
colouring, which has become a fashion trend. Women especially are using
it to cover their grey strands with black or any other colour. The big
name branded hair color products can be found in selected outlets of
the big shopping centres of the city. Quality products by Godrej, L'oreal,
Garnier etc are available in multiple shades and colors between 280-580
colour oil
Such oils are available that help to darken graying or dull hair. It
is oil with a little dye that helps to colour while nourishing the roots
without damaging the scalp. Dulhan, Kesh Kala, Vasmol, Godrej Kesh Kala
etc are well known brands costing 120, 70 and 50 taka respectively.
No matter how hot looking the hair, long hair kept untied just seems
to intensify the effect of the summer sun. It seems to create a hot
blanket over the back and shoulders. To create a stylish respite from
the heat, hair bands are available in different colours to create your
desire 'do'. Pony tails help in this regard. The ring type bands are
especially helpful for typing up short length hair by raising it above
the neck. School going young girls looks smart and cute with these accessories
costing within 10-30 taka. These can be found in all cosmetic shops.
Do you get tied up in knots when your hair is in a knotty condition?
Before you go off to become acquainted with a pair of scissors try out
a lotion named Livon Silky Potion. Applying lightly over wet or damp
hair helps prevent torn tresses during combing. It removes the roughness
of the hair leaving a non greasy sheen. It also has vitamin E to help
nourish the hair. Found in select stores it costs 280 taka.
face powder
Along with lotion and cream there is now also powder joining the fight
for shelf space in the war of sunscreens. Ponds has released its face
powder with sunscreen that takes about 30 seconds to get a face that
looks bright and remain bright. As a result the product is called Angel
face. The price is 30 taka.
Body odour can be a problem. Well, maybe not as bad as TV ads showing
people losing jobs over it but it is a problem in this heat. These are
lightly scented with many different floral scents and prices ranging
between 80 taka and 150 taka. Big stores like Nipun, Agora and PQS have
such collections with reasonable prices for you to pick on the run.
If you are really on the run and if ads are to be believed, body spray
will throw off the odour-sniffing tracking dogs running after you.
Sultana Yasmin Translated by Ehsanur Raza Ronny
Essentials Special
do we need water?
Water is a necessity for all things living. Without food, human beings
can survive for weeks but without water, it is impossible for them
to last for more than a few days. The human body is approximately
70 percent water. The only thing more important than water for human
body is oxygen. Here is why water is so important for us: Water maintains
our body temperature. It aids us in digestion and to metabolise fat.
It lubricates organs, transport nutrients to body parts and flushes
out toxins. Our body constantly excretes water through sweat and urine.
It is extremely important to replenish human body with plenty of water
every day. Average human body requires at least eight to 10 glasses
of water a day, and during a typical tropical summer like ours you
should simply double the intake.
water resources
Summer takes its toll in many forms. Along with the unbearable heat,
dehydration, and seasonal diseases, comes load shedding, water crisis
and so many other problems. In many areas of Dhaka, water crisis has
already reached the highest point. Those who suffer most live in the
slums. It is crucial that we save our water resources. It is not very
easy to do but it is absolutely worth trying.
is what you can do
Never put water down the drain when there may be another use for it
such as watering a plant or garden. Repair all the faulty lines and
leaks. Sometimes toilets flushes run constantly; replace them immediately.
We often dispose tissues, insects and other such waste by flushing
in the toilet. Instead of doing so trash them in the garbage can.
Use a bath tub or a bucket to take a bath instead of standing under
the shower. Showers waste a lot of water. Do not let water run while
brushing your teeth, shaving or washing your face. Try avoiding washing
dishes under running tap instead fill in the sink with water and then
wash. Do not use a hose while washing the car or watering the garden
instead try buckets. It wastes hundreds of gallons of water. It is
possible to save gallons of precious water, if everyone of us perform
these minor duties on a personal level.
Shahnaz Parveen