Silly Tales
PE Conundrum

I always hated my Physical Education class back at school. Not really. I was just too scared to attend it. I wasn't good at anything from basketball to skipping (which most girls enjoyed). I was more of an indoor games kind of person. I liked card games, carom, chess, etc. My PE teacher often punished me. So when the time came for the class I tried to call in sick, but my History teacher caught me and played a trick by dragging me into another senior class with her (I was a Class 3 student and she took me to Class 6!). I became more nervous as I was an introvert. I started crying and begged my teacher to let me go to the field. She did allow me by seeing my condition. But I was teased a lot by my seniors later. Since then I never missed my PE class because it was a lot easier to deal with, than joining the seniors.
Tasnuma Haque
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology,
Valentine's Mistake

One day, in our English Language class, we were learning how to change active voice into passive voice. Our teacher, Maruf sir, was asking questions and we were trying to answer him. One boy in our class was not paying attention to him at all and was busy talking to the person next to him. Sir noticed that and asked him to stand up. Sir asked him to answer a question. He suddenly became confident assuming that the question would be easy for him to answer. Sir asked him to speak in the passive voice and said, “He was walking around the corridor”. He got confused as he was not listening to him and said, “The corridor was walking around him”. This was so ridiculous that even Maruf sir broke into laughter along with us. This incident makes me laugh out loud every now and then.
Sithi Shayonti Dutta
HURDCO International School,

A couple of years ago, my parents threw a huge party at our house for some occasion. There were around a hundred people invited to our house. And the preparations for the party lasted an entire week, especially for my room. My dad took that matter into his own hands. On the night of the party the whole house was in tip top shape. We were all set for the party and the first guest came and after a couple of minutes he went to the bathroom. We don't know what happened there but after 5 minutes we heard a huge scream coming from the bathroom. And suddenly, the whole floor started flooding with water. What happened was that the shower and the pipe broke at the same time. So the party was taken to another place and nobody could see my clean room. I was utterly disappointed!
Muhammed Ali
Stanford University,
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