Star Chat
To Excel with Flying Colours!
Creative Designer
Iftakhar Huseyin
Talks to
Rakibul Hasan
Courtesy: Iftakhar Huseyin |
I have always been an outgoing person! I actually went to multiple schools as I had to travel back and forth between home and abroad with my parents every now and then. However, no matter what school I was in, I used to be very active as I was always engaged in sports, music etc. I loved to participate in the preproduction tasks such as decorating the stage, determining the programme line-up and so on whenever there was some kind of a special event at school. There was this one time when I had to do everything from decorating the stage, reciting from the Holy Scriptures, singing the national anthem to performing in a drama during a cultural programme at school. Needles to say, I became quite famous amongst my friends and teachers as a jack of all trades after that programme! I passed my SSC from Rajuk Uttara Model High School, Dhaka.
After graduating from school, I got myself admitted into Sunway College, Malaysia. After finishing my 12th standard from the college, I pursued my bachelors from the same institution with a major in Software Engineering. Life in Sunway was great. I made a lot of friends there. I still cherish the memory of winning a Ping Pong tournament in our dormitory with a group of Chinese students, whose countrymen are often speculated as the inventor of the of Ping Pong!
It was around the year 2005 when I first saw a DSLR camera. I was amazed by the photographic quality of the pictures taken by these cameras. The option of manually focusing on an object in DSLR cameras makes the photos very vibrant. Unfortunately, DSLR cameras were quite expensive to buy and as a student I didn't have that much money. However, I had an idea— to make any digital photo look as vibrant as the photos taken by DSLR cameras by manipulating its tones. I started experimenting with digital toning and eventually discovered a new form of HDR (High Dynamic Range) toning that I patented with National Geographic Society later on. I was very inspired when the National Geographic Magazine published a photo that was taken and edited by me. It was a photo of a tiger crab found in the swamps of the Sundarbans. Currently, I am working as a Graphic Designer at The Daily Star. I actually do not plan much but in future I want to do something with comics. At present, I am also busy with developing a software that can add a comic book effect to a simple digital photograph. I would call upon all the youngsters to learn how to care. I believe, if you really care for somebody or something, the person or the object will come to you, for sure.
