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UNFPA-BAMBA Concert ends at Khulna
The Khulna District Stadium was buzzing with young music lovers on December 7, 2012. The jovial crowd went on their feet and started singing in chorus when the much awaited UNFPA-BAMBA Youth Concert 2012 kicked off around 3:05 pm. With the theme `Say No to Violence against Woman: Be a Real Man,' the youngsters expressed their solidarity and took the oath to put a full-stop to eve-teasing. Al-Hajj Talukdar Abdul Khalek, City Mayor, Khulna, graced the occasion as the chief guest and Tarik Ul Islam, Secretary, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Mezbah Uddin, DC, Khulna, Shafiqur Rahman, Khulna Metropolitan Police Commissioner and Ajmal Ahmed Tapan, Panel Mayor-One, Khulna City Corporation were present as the special guests.

Courtesy: BAMBA
UNFPA has been organising this 16 day long campaign in Bangladesh in collaboration with BAMBA since 2010 to create an awareness on the International Day to mark End Violence Against Women which is on November 25 and the International Human Rights Day which is on December 10. This concert is an effective tool to convey the message to the younger generation that we have to end all forms of violence against women as it is the violation of the human rights of women.
Sky Tracker Limited, the event management farm extended its full support to make this unique initiative a successful one. Dreek got on the stage first to perform and they enthralled the audience with tracks like, 'Andar Manush', 'Rock you like a Hurricane' and 'Mora jhonjhar moto uddam'. Mechanix performed right after them and the popular bands like, Beduin and Nemesis came following them after a break for prayer.
Shironamhin, being another attraction of the event, performed their most popular tracks. After their performance, Arthur Erken, UNFPA Bangladesh Representative expressed his contentment for teaming up with BAMBA for the third time for such a great cause. The other notable bands of the event were Lalon, Maqsood O' dHAKA, Warfaze, Feedback, Prometheus, Dalchhut and Nagar Baul who conjured the crowd with their popular tracks.