Campus Trends
Sparkling Up your Fingers
Naziba Basher
Photos: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo

Accessorising is a very big part of fashion. Wearing fancy clothes with fancy shoes just does not do the job. A pair of sparkling earrings can speak more about you than what clothes you are wearing with it, an extravagant necklace with a simple get-up can highlight your fashion, and, believe it or not, people also notice what you are wearing on your fingers. And that is where the stylish rings come in handy.
As much as you say that you do not wear rings, you have to give in to the fact that when you see someone else wear one, it catches your notice almost instantly. And if it's a big and eye-catching ring with some sparkling rocks on it, you know that you will repeatedly keep looking at it every now and then! Rings say a lot about one's personality. A small silver ring with tiny white stones embedded on it can let people know that you like simplicity while, wearing a big, loud and colourful ring will let them know that you like being 'out of the box' and different.
Rings have different meanings too. While it sparks up romance between two soul mates, it can enhance the strength of a friendship, and it can also be given to make a promise and so much more. Of course, a ring given to a girl or boy from her or his significant other is more of a romantic gesture than anything else, but there are many ways to do that too. If you want the perfect ring for your 'better half', you need to know his or her personality, you need to know his or her likes and dislikes and many more. Yes, you guessed it--never give your boy or girlfriend a ring early into a relationship. It sends off all the wrong signals and you might just get it all wrong by giving him or her, a ring that they are not very fond of. They will not wear it and this will break your heart. So, let's just take our time, shall we? Apart from this, rings are known to bring two friends together. Nowadays, 'friendship rings' and 'promise rings' seem to have hit it big amongst youngsters and they really are the cutest way to say that you care.
For those who are actually planning on giving this particularly hand accessory as a gift, there are stores all around Dhaka city to suit their taste and budget. Stores in Bashudhara city and Rifles Square (now known as Shimanto Square) will come in handy. Rings there should cost you between Tk 250 to Tk 500, depending on the design and materials used. Shops like Archies Gallery and Hallmark also have jewellary sections where these rings can be found.
If one does not want to go through the hustle and bustle of the streets, fear not! A new online store, recently discovered amongst the youth of Dhaka, known as Sparkling Emotions, will save your day. With beautifully designed accessories such as rings, earrings and necklaces, you can shop all day sitting comfortable within the confines of your bedroom. Of course, one may think that this will cost a lot. But to everyone's suprise (ever mine!) the rings available here will cost you less that Tk 400 and they will be worth every penny. So, if you want to compromise on budget but not on style, log on to your Facebook page and send Sparkling Emotions a friend request and shop away!
Nowadays, a lot of people say that they are too lazy to care about fashion. But with the world moving on so fast and technology making life much easier, there really is no reason to go out on a wonderful day looking like a rag doll. If you're too lazy to dress up, there's absolutely no problem, just accessorise yourself with colourful jewels!
