News Room
Health Assessment Programme
Nursing Society of the College of Nursing, International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) organised a day long 'Health Assessment Programme' for faculties and students at Conference Hall recently. The visiting students from Vancouver University, Canada and students and faculty members of College of Nursing conducted the programme.
Professor Dr M Alimullah Miyan, Vice-Chancellor of IUBAT, inaugurated the programme highlighting the role of nursing in healthcare management.
Chairperson of College of Nursing, Dr Karen Lund appreciated the active participation of the students in organising the assessment camp with the collaboration of visiting nursing students from Canada.
BU Freshers' Orientation
Bangladesh University organised an orientation programme for freshmen of Summer Semester 2012 on July 9, 2012 at its Mohammadpur Campus. In the programme, Engineer M A Ghulam Dastagir, Secretary, Board of Trustees, Bangladesh University, was present as chief guest. Professor Dr Golam Ali Fakir, Vice-Chancellor in-charge, Bangladesh University, chaired the programme.
Head, Department Business Administration Professor Dr Golam Mostafa, Head, Department of CSE Sadiq Iqbal, Registrar in charge, Nahreen Choudhury, Controller of Examinations and Director of student affairs, Lt Col (Retd) Mahamud-ul Alam spoke on the occasion among others. The faculty members and the students were present in the programme.
Programming Contest CSE 2012 at University of Asia Pacific
The Programming Contest organised by Computer Science and Engineering Department of University of Asia Pacific was held at Department of CSE on July 5, 2012. Vice Chancellor of UAP, Professor Dr Jamilur Reza Choudhury was present as the chief guest and Chairperson of BOT of UAP, A A Kamruzzaman was the special guest on the occasion.
Among the juniors, the first, second and third places were won respectively by Arif Uddin, Md Arafat Hossain and Tanvir Hasan. Arif Uddin solved four problems alone. In Senior Section, the first, second, and third positions were won respectively by Sadikul Islam, Sabbir Ahmed and Usama Salsabil.
Roundtable held at IUB
The Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) hosted a roundtable on the state of Education in Bangladesh with the US State Department's Senior Education Advisor for South and Central Asia, Dr Molly Teas at its permanent campus at Bashundhara, Dhaka on July 12, 2012.
The roundtable was attended by the Vice Chancellor of IUB, Professor M Omar Rahman, Ryan Bradeen, Cultural Affairs Officer for Education and Exchanges of the American Centre, the Deans of Schools and Heads of Departments of IUB, senior academic members of private and public universities and high schools of Dhaka.
Various aspects regarding the state of education in Bangladesh, such as, different medium of instruction, higher number of golden GPA, the standard of students, lacking of quality teachers, problems with Math and English with the students etc were discussed in the roundtable.
Among others, Dr Dil Afroze Quader, Visiting Professor, Centre for Languages, BRAC University, Dr Ali Ashraf, Professor of Civil Engineering Department, BUET, Ms Madiha Murshed, Managing Director, Scholastica and many others were present at the programme.
Wall Magazine Competition held at BUBT
The Cultural Club of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) organised a two-day long Wall Magazine competition on July 14-15, 2012 in its permanent campus at Rupnagar, Mirpur. Students from different departments and intakes have conceptualised different themes concerning literature, arts, culture, liberation war, human rights, human resources and the like on their Wall Magazines.
The Vice Chancellor of BUBT, Professor Md Abu Saleh inaugurated the programme and encouraged students to come up with such creative activities along with academic pursuits.
BUFT holds seminar on RMG industry
Internationally acclaimed textile and clothing experts from Germany conducted a seminar on readymade garments industry at the auditorium of BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology on July 14, 2012.
Better Work in Textile and Garments (BWTG), a component of Better Work and Standards Programme (BEST) of UNIDO, which is funded by EU with the support of Government of Bangladesh and NORAD, organised the seminar.
Professor Dr Marie Louise Klotz, President from Rhein-Waal University, Germany, presented a keynote paper on 'Integrated management system: quality, environment, occupational health, social corporate responsibility.'
Another intense session on 'Trends and innovations for readymade garments,' conducted by Professor Rudlof Haug, Dean, Department of Textile and Clothing from Niderrhein University of Applied Science, Germany, was held.
Shafiq Ahmed Siddique, chairman of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology board of trustees, attended the programme as chief guest while Muzaffar U Siddique, chairman of BUFT board of trustees was also present at the programme as special guest.
NASA TREK Conference
Photo: Hakil Tours And Travels |
A good opportunity of visiting Kennedy Space Centre in the USA has been created for the school and college level students of Bangladesh. Till now a total of 110 students returned home with their wonderful and fabulous NASA TREK experience. Hakil Tours and Travels, a Bangladeshi tourism enterprise, took the initiative to provide such experiences to our students.
Through the programme undertaken by Hakil tours and travels the school and college level students of Bangladesh are getting the opportunity of visiting USA and thus, they can materialise their dream of exploring space.
A conference was also arranged to apprise the principals and teachers of renowned schools of the country of different educational aspects of NASA Trek. The organisers along with their channel partner, Edvour Edu Consultants of India spoke on different issues related to the visit. This conference also included presentations on NASA Trek and a question-answer session.
Eid Fair
Bix event is going to organise the Facebook Business Eid Fair on July 27, 2012 at Dhaka Public School and College, House- 52/A, Dhanmondi-9/A. The programme is going to be sponsored by TPNL student consultant firm and Radio Today. More than twenty five online Facebook business firms are participating in this event which is mainly run by the students. Main goal of this event is to inspire and create a platform for the youth entrepreneurs. Registration is going on. For more information regarding fair log on .Your presence will make this even more warm and cheerful.
Ispahani SSC Scholarship 2012
Scholarships have been given to GPA-5 holders of the students of Ispahani retailers under the programme of "Ispahani SSC Scholarship 2012." Around 100 students will receive cash awards and medals. On the July 4, 2012 the scholarship has been given by Sayed Hasan, General Manager (Corporate) and M A Khan, DGM Sales and Marketing among the student's of greater Dhaka area.
Graduation Ceremony
Bangladesh International Tutorial (BIT) celebrated its Annual IGCSE and Advanced Level Graduation ceremony on June 28, 2012. Students who have achieved the highest marks in the world and the country were awarded. Besides, long service awards were also given to the dedicated teachers. The ceremony was held at its own building in Uttara.