Feed Board
A City In Itself!
At first glance I thought that I was reading about a city and not just any other market. I visited Nilkhet only once or twice with friends and it was only possible to cover fraction of that place. It is brilliant that there is actually a place where a student can buy literally anything. The sheer dynamism of this place is overwhelming. The writer depicted experiences of students in a very interesting way too. I guess I will be visiting this place soon again to explore the place again, because even when you have nothing to buy from Nilkhet, it is always fun to hang out there!
Mohammed Farhad Karim
Umme Aman Salt Industries, Chittagong.
Gardening For Hobby!
Photo : Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
The spotlight on gardening was a great read, especially since it encourages young people to take up gardening as hobby. Such hobbies really make people responsible and content. My father used to study botany and he loves gardening. He always encourages me and my sister to take on gardening because gardening can be very satisfying, especially when our nurtured plants bear fruit or flowers or even survive bad weather. It almost promotes a sense of discipline, since we have to make sure to water them, fertilise and weed them and make sure that we do all that at the right time.
Sharmin Ahmed
Brac Health Innovations Programe (B-HIP), Dhaka.
It seems that we are losing our morals day by day. Exploitation of women by the capitalist, consumerist culture has been a grave concern for a long time. Women are projected sexually in mindless 'glamourous' commercial advertisements. I am quite disappointed to see such an ad of 'Kool' shaving cream published in the last issue of Star Campus. I wonder, how such a responsible daily could ever allow such a distasteful ad to be published in a supplement meant for young minds. I believe it was an isolated event and shall not be repeated.
Syed Asifur Rahman
Department of MIS,
University of Dhaka,
Exploring History
The autobiography of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman titled 'Ausamapta Atmajiboni' -- The Unfinished Memories, sounds interesting. I am glad that it is published in English too and released in India and Pakistan. The youths who know very little about history can refer to this book to get to know Bangabandhu's first hand experience of the historical events. The book can be taught in classrooms too, and students can 'discuss' (and not 'memorise') history. Students usually get bored studying history, but I think reading history in narratives is always captivating. I am looking forward to buying the book, because the book looks worth a collection.
Shaima Nazmeen
Independent University,
Bangladesh, Dhaka.
Zohad Reza Chowdhury

What's Playing?
1. Ultraviolet- U2
2. Dakota- Stereophonics
3. Rope- Foo Fighters
4. Colonized Mind- Prince
5. A Real Hero- College
6. The High Road- Broken Bells
7. Charlie Brown- Coldplay
8. Somebody That I Used To Know- Gotye
9. In The Company Of Wolves- Incubus
10. Starlight- Muse
Dear Readers,
Write us feeds between 100-150 words and send them with your full name, contact number, postal address and the institution you study or work at. Email them to us at starcampus@thedailystar.net or mail them to us at 64-65, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215.