Campus Trends

Put A Ring On It!
Naziba Basher
Photo: Saad Adnan Khan
Life without fashion is a lot like ice-cream without flavour. And how on earth would that be appealing in any way, what so ever? What most people do not understand is how fashion is not only restricted to people of a higher class or people who are studying fashion design. Fashion is something that can be applied to all classes, all ages and all places as well. Every little corner of the world can either follow a trend or make their own. And what is fashion without accessorising? Whether it is a big 'bling' neck piece that is louder than your outfit or just a small stud to make your ears catch some attention, accessories make one's fashion sense very complete. One such accessory, that brings a fresh charm to one's fashion statement, would be the ever-so-loved toe ring.
A toe ring is an ornamental ring worn on any of the toes. It is exclusively worn by women. Toe rings are beautifully designed and are a fashion symbol. These jewellery pieces are made out of various inexpensive metals and non-metals. They are commonly worn on the second toe of either foot. But nowadays women have been known to 'make the strange familiar' by wearing a ring or two on the third or fourth toe.
There was a time when only married women would wear them. Today, toe rings have become a fashion accessory for girls all around the world. Young students in Dhaka can buy toe rings for 200-250 takas a pair. They can be found in New Market, Gausia, Bashundhara City and Rifles Square. Any jewellery store like Ideas or Piran or even stores like Archies or Hallmarks will have a good collection of toe rings for customers who like to point attention towards their beautiful feet.
A lot of girls wear toe rings to get more of an artistic feel to their fashion sense, especially dancers. The toe ring adds unique beauty and attracts more attention towards the feet during a performance.
In this heat, however, one must be careful while wearing toe rings. Make sure that you take off your toe rings, if your feet have been sweating for a long time while walking outside in the scordching heat. If you have sensitive skin, try wearing the ring at home for a while, just to get your feet accustomed to it. Also, make sure that your skin is not allergic to the metal.
The most fascinating part about toe rings is that, just like normal rings, they go with any kind of clothing -- western or eastern. They will look just as good with a sari and a pair of heels as they would with a pair of jeans and summer flats. To look special and add a unique element to your outfit, toe rings are an absolute must!
Rachel Carson
Marine Biologist, Writer and Environmentalist, Rachel Louise Carson was born on May 27, 1907 (today is her 105th birthday!) She began writing stories at the age of eight, and had her first story published at the age of eleven. Carson attended Springdale's Small School till the tenth grade, then completed high school in nearby Parnassus, Pennsylvania, graduating in 1925, being at the top of her class of forty-five students. At the Pennsylvania College for Women (today known as Chatham University), Carson originally studied English, but later switched her major to biology. She was admitted to graduate standing at Johns Hopkins University in 1928 but she was forced to remain at the Pennsylvania College for Women for her senior year due to financial difficulties. After a summer course at the Marine Biological Laboratory, she continued her studies in zoology and genetics at Johns Hopkins. She, later, earned a master's degree in zoology. She had intended to continue for a doctorate, but in 1934 she was forced to leave Johns Hopkins to search for a full-time teaching position to help support her family. In 1935, her father died, leaving Carson to care for her mother and making the financial situation even more critical. She settled for a temporary position with the US Bureau of Fisheries, writing radio copy for a series of weekly educational broadcasts entitled "Romance under the Waters". Carson's supervisor asked her to write the introduction to a public brochure about the fisheries bureau. Sitting for the civil service exam, she outscored all other applicants and in 1936 became only the second woman to be hired by the Bureau of Fisheries for a full-time, professional position, as a junior aquatic biologist.
Information Source: Internet.