Feed Board
Staying busy!
Staying busy saved my life! I see a lot of my friends who follow the most mundane routine of going to class and then coming back home and then just relaxing for rest of the day. I wonder how they do not shrivel up out of boredom. Not to brag, but I do classes till afternoon and then go to a full-time job from the evening. I am also involved with several voluntary organisations. Sometimes it does get a little overwhelming and I do face problems in finding out time to hang out with my friends and family members, but the thought of not doing anything at all other than just classes, literally chokes me. I like being busy, and I encourage students to stay busy and pro-active!
East West University, Dhaka.
Having the right attitude
Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
There is a problem in the way most people think nowadays. People do not want to work hard, but they want to earn easy money. There is a clear absence of eagerness, optimism, enthusiasm and motivation among the young generation to work hard to earn a good living. They look for the easiest ways and thus, get involved in activities that are sometimes not right or just. If we want, we can ease obstacles in our own ways by working hard to get the right job or get self-employed as well. Nothing will stop us from achieving what we want, if we are enthusiastic and optimistic enough to do something for ourselves.
American International University Bangladesh, Dhaka.
Inspiring Star Chat
Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
I like Star Campus, especially because of the Star Chat section. I get to know about the achievement of young people who are just like me and my friends. One of the issues published about pianist Ehsanul Hoque, a unique personality of our country. I am fan of piano music and would like to learn piano. The article informed me and made me aware about whom to go and talk to if I want to learn piano. I would like to thank Star Campus' initiative for publishing about rare personalities on Star Chat. These young talents need more exposure, because we do not get to hear about them anywhere else.
AKM Rahmatullah College, Dhaka.
Where is the practical education?
It is true that education should empower everyone to survive and make a living. However sometimes it seems that due to our conventional system of education, we are going backwards instead of progressing ahead. Most of our universities are busy in increasing the number of graduates instead of providing technical knowledge and effective training to students, so that they can grow as global individuals. As a result after achieving higher education degree, one faces dilemma because they cannot implement the knowledge earned, in practical life. If we want to eradicate poverty and bring development, we should break free from the status-quo. Ministry of education and university authorities should come forward to fulfill the mismatched dreams of the students by taking necessary steps to provide the right kind of education for long term development of the country.
Prime University, Dhaka.
Back to the basics
Advices can be irritating, but also helpful. As a teacher, let me share a couple of thoughts. Everyone has a dream. One of the things that we all dream of is to gain success in life. We can compare this dream to a tree, which needs nurturing from time to time. We all want to do something. We want to become doctors and engineers, but we forget that for whatever it is, we should never stop working hard. If we want to have our preferable profession then we should be hard working students too. Many students lose their drive sometimes, because of lack of proper guidance. Always remember that, anything is possible once you have your priorities right, because you have the capabilities that make you unique. With a little dedication, anyone can overcome obstacles. Spend some time thinking what you want to do for yourself.
Nita Debnath (lecturer)
Cambrian College, Dhaka.
Dear Readers,
Write us letters between 100-150 words and send them with your full name, contact number, postal address and the institution you study or work at. Email them to us at starcampus@thedailystar.net or mail them to us at 64-65, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215.