Way to Innovation
Mottakin Chowdhury
Formulation of new thoughts and ideas is of paramount significance for the augmentation of economical and technological progress of a country. As a country of economical encumbrances and technological impediments, it is far more essential for us to invent and promote new thoughts and ideas and implement them properly in order to keep pace with the challenge of this century. And that is why youth, who can play the greatest role in this regard should be provided with opportunities and invigorations in order to raise their innovative ideas.
With an aim to meet such necessity of time, a business case solving contest entitled 'Brainstorming Business Ideation Competition 2012' was held in the port city by Drishty Chittagong, an educational and cultural organisation. The contest was sponsored by The Daily Star. This is the third year in a row that the business case solving contest has taken place with grandeur. It was initiated back in the year of 2010.

The competition brought some bright and passionate youths together.
The competition kicked off on January 18 at Theatre Institute, Chittagong (TIC). Mahfuz Anam, Editor and Publisher of The Daily Star graced the occasion with his presence as the chief guest. He inaugurated the ceremony cherishing its successful completion.
Besides Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), former President Farid Ahmed Chowdhury, Premier University, Professor Ifthekhar Uddin Chowdhury, Dean, Premier University and Raisul Huq Bahar, Chief of The Daily Star Chittagong Bureau were present at the inauguration ceremony as special guests. Masud Bakul, President of Drishty chaired the programme. Thirty three teams from different universities and schools across the port city participated in the brainstorming contest. The participating universities were Chittagong University (CU), Premier University (PU), East Delta University (EDU), International Islamic University, Chittagong (IIUC), Asian University for Women (AUW), University of Sciences and Technology, Chittagong (USTC), Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Independent University Bangladesh (IUB), Chittagong, Southern University, and BGC Trust University. On the other hand, Sunshine Grammar School, Presidency School and College, Silver Bells Girls' High School, Agrabad Girls' High School, Collegiate School, BAWA School, Cider International School, Master Mind International School, Radiant School and College, Chittagong Grammar School, Cantonment English School, Ideal School, and Bangladesh Elementary School partook in the school level business case challenge.
The whole competition was set in 'knock out format'. As a result, each of the partaking team had to make their best attempt to reach the final round. After finishing the great battle of innovations, Presidency International School, Silver Bells Girls' High School and Chittagong Ideal School made it to the grand finale. East Delta University, International Islamic Universities, Chittagong and Premier University fought tough at the university level.
On January 28 the final round of “Brainstorming Business Ideation Contest 2012” was held at Hotel Ambrosia. Media personality Aly Zaker, Chairman of Chittagong Stock Exchange Al Maruf Khan, Chairman of Chittagong Club Limited S M Abu Tayeb, Vice President of CSE Tareq Kamal and Former President of CSE Nasir Uddin Ahmed Chowdhury were present at the final session as the respectable adjudicators and guests. Masud Bakul was in the chair while joint secretary Adnan Mannan moderated the programme and Saif Chowdhury, General Secretary, Drishty also spoke in the occasion.
East Delta University (EDU) and Chittagong Ideal School stood as champions in university and school level respectively. The team members of Chittagong Ideal School were Asiful Haque, Reza Ahmed and Irfam Kamal. They had the project of promoting one of the most ancient and famous heritages of Chittagong city, the “Jobbarer Boli Khela”. On the contrary, team members of East Delta University were Saad Hossain, Shumayia Muhjabin and Jahida Karim. They were to promote the project named “Shufola” which was about enabling the supply of agricultural goods to the mass. The runners up of those two levels were Silver Bells Girls' High School and International Islamic University respectively.
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