Feed Board
Exchange Programmes
Last week there was an article on Watson Fellow who visited Bangladesh. There are many exchange programmes in which Bangladeshi students can participate as well. I know there are some programmes for college, undergraduate and graduate students run under the US Embassy, where students are given scholarships to travel to different countries and study. Bangladeshi students should be made aware of these programmes, so that they can participate. These exchange programmes can give our students tremendous exposure that they need in order to bring in different perspectives. Such exposure will make confident individuals out of our students. The programmes can enlighten students culturally as well. Star Campus should write something on this topic to inform our students.
Leela Shamsi
Dhaka University, Dhaka.
Let's think about environment
It's great to see that Bangladeshi young students are taking keen interest in environment issues. Given that Bangladesh is one the most vulnerable countries when it comes to global warming and natural disasters. Young people should have access to information, and if young people are empowered, then they can spread information too. The article on the Durban conference was interesting. The writer wrote that the top officials made the decisions in an abrupt manner, without much transparency, which is very true. Young people should be included when it comes to decision making.
Ashik Mahboob
Eastern University, Dhaka.
Awesome Time Out!
I just couldn't help but visit Time Out the day I read the article on Time Out in Star Campus. It was not my first time there, because Time Out is my favourite eat out, and I'm glad that Star Campus did an edible on it. Moreover, I really liked the way Salman Rob described the restaurant and its food. The writer successfully described the comfortable environment of that place. The writeup made the whole visit even more interesting and I would appreciate if the writer keeps writing informative articles like this in the future. I also found Tahsin Agaz Apurbo's pictures very interesting to look at. The photographs were very creative and portrayed the delight of Time Out in the perfect way possible!
Tousif Farhad
Independent University, Bangladesh
Teachers please wait in the line!
I sometimes find it infuriating when teachers at universities do not maintain the queue of the elevator. I get it that they have to get to classes on time, but so do us students. Teachers have privileges, but breaking the line to get on the elevator before students, is misusing that privilege. Teaches should think about the students who cannot get on the elevator after waiting for a long time, as the teachers ignores the line and gets on elevator. This is basic etiquette and sensitivity- respecting people's time and energy. If this is what the teachers do, then as students what are we supposed to learn from them? Teachers should start being more aware of their actions.
Shama Akhter
East West University, Dhaka.
Spoon feeding
Often times it is seen that teachers in universities do not push students to think beyond the box. What ends up happening is that teachers make easy notes for students, and ask them to memorise for exams. Students fail to understand that this will help no one in the long run. Students start relying on the teacher's notes, because it is an easy way to pass exams. Students do not have to read extra notes, and teachers also do not demand for excellence from the students. As a result, students really do not grow intellectually because they become lazy. I'm not asking teachers to stop giving notes, but if students start answering exams based on the notes only, I think that's when it's problematic.
Naila Jahan
Shanto Mariam University, Dhaka.
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