An Affordable and Flexible Qualification
Sumaiya Ahsan Bushra
Professional education is an essential element needed by the youth for developing countries like Bangladesh. In recent years, given the global trends we experience a demand by large groups of students who now opt to study subjects that involve business or commerce. A platform that not only simplifies the study of Business management, accounting and finance but also opens a window to a world of opportunities is CIMA. CIMA, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants operates in 168 countries and has recently set-up its Bangladesh office in Dhaka on August 9, 2011.

Courtesy: CIMA
The qualification is beneficial for the students because it speeds up the process of formal education and enables them to enter the job sector faster. The CIMA professional qualification can be completed within two and half years and consists of five stages.
CIMA has many entry options. School leavers need only to be 16 years of age and above to join at the entry level. For those holding relevant professional qualifications there are exemptions at various stages of the professional level of the examination.
A very positive note in the new syllabus structure is that students have a choice of deciding, the level of competency required to match their job requirement and exit at that point with a recognised qualification. Students who complete the entry level examination receive a Certificate in Business Accounting, Operational level receive a Diploma in Management Accounting and those completing the management level of the qualification receive an Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting.

For those aspiring further, the CIMA qualification provides a fast track to many Master Degrees from recognised universities in United Kingdom, Australia and Singapore. Also as the CIMA qualification is well known as a qualification it can enable one to obtain membership from a host of professional bodies around the world. A CIMA qualification is fully equivalent to qualifications offered by a range of international educational institutes including the Society of Management Accountants of Canada (CMA), CPA Australia, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), and ACCA, meaning that members are automatically entitled to membership of these institutions without needing to sit any additional examinations. Indeed, an investment in CIMA is an investment in a totally global profile.
Jamil Hasan, who is a student of LCBS Dhaka, CIMA's quality tuition partner in Bangladesh says, “I chose this degree because it is a globally recognised Management accounting qualification. I wanted to find a path which would help me build my career easily. I have worked with DFID and done my internship with them for one of their projects. I am also planning to do more work with them in the future. In addition, I plan to do the last few stages of this qualification in the United Kingdom.”
CIMA syllabus is updated every four to five years. It involves extensive employer's consultation therefore the syllabus is relevant, internationally transferable and up to date.
Having successfully positioned itself as the next generation strategic management professional qualification, CIMA is confident that it gives its members and students the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the global marketplace. Renowned for developing today's business leaders, CIMA looks forward to building the business leaders of tomorrow.
CIMA today is seen as a global passport as it provides its members not only opportunities to migrate, but also to an avenue to seek employment overseas in highly recognised organisations.