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Centre for Languages (CfL), BRAC University organises DfC project Presentation
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Desgin For Chance (DfC) is a global movement designed to give children an opportunity to express their own ideas for a better world and put them into action. For the first time in Bangladesh, the session involved university students. BRAC University welcomed the DfC programme as part of its "enhancement classes" for pre-university students. Following the motto “I Can”, Pre University students worked on different projects. The whole process went through 4 stages: Feel, Imagine, Do and Share. The learners found out various social problems (Feel), came up with innovative solutions (Imagine), designed the work plans and implemented those (Do) to bring changes and finally presented (Share) their work on August 18, at Indoor Games room, BRAC University. Professor Ainun Nishat, Vice Chancellor of BRAC University was present as chief guest at the occasion. The programme started with the welcome speech by Lady Syeda Sarwat Abed, Director, Centre for Languages (CfL), BRAC University. Professor Dr Md Golam Samdani Fakir, Pro Vice Chancellor of BRAC University and Anjana Anand, social development and communication expert were also present at the occasion.