Campus Trends
Looks can be deceiving: Bag packs 101
Fardin Akbar Hyderi
Photos: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo
"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening”- Coco Chanel, French Fashion Designer.
With time, everything around us has evolved. Starting from the inconveniently large desktop computers to the smallest palmtops, from ancient cassette players to fifth generation iPods, everything has been modified (most fashionably) for our easy day to day use. And now, the latest addition into the world of fashion are the new and improved bagpacks! For us students, bags play an essential role for carrying our annoying heavy books and not to mention, our laptops. Whenever we think about carrying our laptops, we are always afraid of losing it to the street hooligans, or better known as 'hijackers'. The one-sided bag in which laptops were carried before, which shout out that it has a laptop in it, did not really help matters. Now, thanks to human innovation, things have changed for the better.
Nowadays, bagpacks with a built in laptop slot are 'in'. These bags are not just spacious but they are really comfortable to carry and it saves one from suffering from the entirely one-sided pressure on our shoulders. Even after fitting the laptop inside, there is still room to stuff in five to six more books along with other accessories and stationary. Bags like these have hit the campus in a major way and are most easily found in the various shopping malls around the city. One can find these bags at oh-so-reasonable prices of Tk 700 to Tk 900. Places like New Market, Bashundhara City and Bongo Bazaar have a wide variety to offer to anyone with the interest of saving space and physical pain. Starting from the suave blacks, to funky oranges to even striped combinations, these bags come in different colours to suit the current fashion statement and personalities, whether simple or with a little bit of spunk. For more exotic colour combinations, bags of brands such as Pierre Cardin may be a little pricey but totally a worthy investment, coming at around Tk 1900 to Tk 2000. Not only do they look good but their laptop slots provide thick cushion protection to prevent any damage to our beloved laptops. In every sense, it is perfect for students carrying laptops, giving them the sense of relief that they can do so without worrying about theft or injury. They are also ideal for travelling abroad when one needs to be on the go with all of one's most important accessories and gadgets.

Trendy and spacious: Students sport the new bags on campus.
With the newest style, comfort and safety hand in hand, one can sport these bags with confidence and style and yet look street-smart and casual. So, there's hardly any reason for one to wonder how to keep their laptops safe and secure and carry them around anywhere at any time. People will hardly even be able to tell that one may be carrying his or her most precious belongings in them and yet with striking new colours and patterns, one can still be the envy of the streets!