News Room
Career Talk Session
Keynote speaker addressing the audience. Courtesy: BSDI |
On June 15, Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI) organised a Career Talk Show “Career Talk Session with Leaders” and a specialised workshop on mind mapping for students. Aly Zaker, Chairman at Asiatic Group was the keynote speaker and the workshop was conducted by Professor Dr Yusuf M Islam, Director of Human Resource Institute at Daffodil International University. The session started with a presentation titled “Reinvent Yourself” by K M Hasan Ripon, Deputy Director of the institute. Mohammad Nuruzzaman Principal and Director of the Institute BSDI and the Azharul Islam, Academic Advisor were also present.
IT based Business Plan Competition
Teachers and chief guest at the ceremony. Courtesy: NSU |
The award ceremony of the 'IT based Business Plan Competition-2011' organised by the North South University Young Entrepreneurs Society was held at the auditorium of NSU Bashundhara campus on June 16, 2011.
Rajuuddin Ahmed Raju, Minister, Ministry of Post and Telecommunication distributed prizes among the winners as the chief guest while Major General Zia Ahmed was present as the special guest. Azim Uddin Ahmed, Chairman, Benajir Ahmed, past Chairman, NSU Foundation, Dr Khairul Bashar, Pro-VC, Dr Abdul Hannan Chowdhury, Dean, School of Business, Sohail Mustafa, Faculty Advisor, YES Club addressed in the programme. NSU Vice Chancellor Dr Hafiz G A Siddiqi chaired the function.
About 40 teams from public and private universities of Bangladesh participated in the IT based Business Plan Competition-2011 and three teams from the Department of Finance and IBA of University of Dhaka secured first and second positions respectively while North South University stood third in the competition. Academic Advisor, Azharul Islam was also present.
World Environment Day
American International University of Bangladesh celebrated Environment Day on June 19. The Marketing Department organised a day long event on 'Climate Change, Sustainable Development and New Business Model' which were promoted through lectures, exhibitions and talk shows.
Dr. Charles C. Villanuev, Dean of Business Administration, Dr AKM Matiur Rahman, Associate Dean of Business Administration, Dr Ehsanul Huda, Director, BBA and MBA, Rashed Chowdhury, Head of Marketing Department and Dr Dulal Miah, Head of Finance Deptartmen, were present.
A student forum helped organise the seminar and showed their willingness to engage in climate change and sustainable development awareness programmes in the near future.
Seminar held on Prospects of Solar Energy
Distinguished guest speakers at the seminar. Courtesy: Southeast University |
Southeast University and Hi-Van Bangladesh jointly organised a Seminar on “Prospects of Solar Energy in Bangladesh” on June 14, 2011 in the seminar Hall of Southeast University.
Dr ANM Meshquat Uddin, Vice Chancellor of Southeast University was the chief guest in the seminar. Tadayoshi Ogasawara, General Manager, Technical Department, Isaka Electric Works Co. Limited, Japan was the keynote speaker. Shoichi Nishimura, President, Nintech Co. Ltd, Japan, Hishashi Yamada, Director, Hirokazu Wakao, Nintech Co. Ltd., Japan, Tomoshige Kimura, Officer, Kimura Kenkou Co. Ltd., Japan were the special guests while Professor Dr R I Sharif, Dean, School of Science and Engineering, Southeast University was the Chair. Mr Nasir Ullah, Chairman, Hi-Van Bangladesh also addressed the seminar.
Teachers, students and officers of the School of Science and Engineering of Southeast University were also present.
Creativity Competition at DIU
Participants preparing mind mapping models. Courtesy: DIU |
A creativity competition was organised by Human Resource Development Institute (HRDI) of Daffodil International University on June 11, 2011. About 30 students participated in the competition and produced 12 mind maps for display. Each mind map represented the students' thoughts on various topics. The topics covered were on pollution, education system, drug addiction, etc.
Dr M Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University was present in the programme as the chief guest. Professor Dr S M Mahabub Ul Haque Majumder, Dean, Faculty of Science and IT, Professor Dr Syed Akter Hossain, Head, CSE and Syed Mizanur Rahman Raju, Coordinator of CDC visited the display. At the end of the presentations, Dr M Lutfar Rahman Vice Chancellor spoke on the effectiveness of mind maps and prizes were distributed by Yousuf M Islam, Executive Director, HRDI.
Student Leaders
Leaders for Nation, a non-profit organisation organised conferences, seminars and other professional activities to develop self and do all voluntary works for betterment of the society. All of the members are students of American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB).
On June 17, 2011 the organisation organised a voluntary project titled 'Happy Day 2011'. It was a project for the orphan children to make them happy just for a day. The students arranged entertainment and excellent food for them. With the aid from 21 members they raised the funds for the project.
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