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5th International Inter-University Short Film Festival 2011
IT has been a more than a century now since the Lumiere Brothers' had enchanted audiences around the world with their magical invention. There were few who had irrevocably fallen in love with this medium, namely the screen and the story it told, and decided to take it to the next level. So, off they went with their cameras, out they went with their creativity and imagination.
The younger generation has continuously enriched this youngest form of art with added dimensions. But, in a nation like ours, it was never easy for them to take the centre stage.
'Better film, better viewers' with this adage in mind, Dhaka University Film Society (DUFS) have been working with audiences and film makers alike for more than four decades now. Towards building a more conscious and enthusiastic audience, throughout the last ten years the society organised has numerous programmes ranging from film screenings, seminars, workshops, to film festivals.
Keeping that reality in check, since 2007 DUFS has been arranging a festival for the young, emerging film makers and keeping to that tradition this year the '5th International Inter-University Short Film Festival 2011' is taking place.
Titled 'Take your camera, frame your dream' the festival will receive submissions in two categories. For the 'Competition' segment the maximum duration of films can be 10 minutes, and for the 'Panorama' segment, films are allowed a duration of maximum 20 minutes. Film makers/ directors must be at least undergraduate students and can submit two films each. Submissions are to be made in DVD format and must reach the Dhaka University Film Society within April 15. The registration fee is Tk 300 per submission which should be paid at the DUFS office in Dhaka University Teacher's and Student's Center (TSC).
In the past four festivals students from Germany, the US, the Netherlands, Russia, Nepal, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Slovenia, Oman, Georgia, and Mexico have taken part alongside students from Bangladesh. This year students from India, Malaysia and Sri Lanka have already come forward with their films.
Dhaka University
Film Society
1st Floor Dhaka University.