Through the Lens
Framing Life
Shayera Moula
photo : Ashif Md Ridwan |
photo : Ashif Md Ridwan |
Photographs are often preserved, archived and even discussed amongst people. Pictures do portray different elements of life and that too of circumstances which sometimes we find unique and also learn from them. To exhibit photographs does not only mean to showcase the work of a photographer, but it is also an attempt to bring out the stories which we often fail to perceive amidst the mudane chores. 'Kaleidoscope of Life' was the exhibition where all the words that define photography fit in well. Photographers were appreciated for the themes they portrayed.
The exhibition was held at Bangladesh Shishu Academy Art Gallery from February 6 to 9, 2011. Four photographers participated in the group photography exhibition, each with a different theme to showcase. The exhibition sponsored by Baizid Steel Industries Ltd, was inaugurated by Syed Badrul Ahsan, Editor, Current Affairs, The Daily Star. The exhibition presented a collection of 30 photographs to display and the themes that each photographer chose did make a difference for the viewers to look into the creative side of the pictures. Syed Badrul Ahsan elaborated, “All the photographs are truly inspiring and the stories are indeed something people should know about. I am impressed by the level of photography that these young photographers have displayed and wish them all the best for the upcoming challenges of life. I also feel that pictures do tell a thousand words and the stories in frames are definitely related to literature.”
photo : Yamin Tauseef Jahangir |
For Ata Mohammad Adnan, it was his very first exhibition and he was very excited about the whole event. “I have been doing photography for past few months now, and I am glad to see my work on display. I am thrilled as I see my hard work getting some sort of recognition.” Adnan's photography was based on the theme titled 'Solitude' and the pictures were shot in China and Bangladesh. “I am studying medicine in Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
It was only last year when I realised that I want to capture moments and human expressions on camera and I have pursued my passion ever since.” Asking him about his theme, Adnan said, “I chose to do a story about 'solitude' since I believe it is a global expression and also a dimension of my own personality.” On an end note, Adnan said he was thankful to the people who have worked very hard to hold an exhibition of such magnitude only in a week preparation. For Adnan, he says he would like to do a solo exhibition, which is his dream.
Maisha Samiha worked on a photo story which she titled 'For Love. It talks about the life of a girl and her emotional transitions. The concept has not been generalised and is just a part of the human emotion that she has thought of capturing. The story was in an art form and this exhibition was also the first one for the young talent. “I think it is a good start one can expect for and there are more hurdles that need to be crossed. For now, I am just happy that we managed to put up an exhibition in such a short time, but all in all it is a great feeling”, said Maisha.

photo : Ata Mohammad Adnan
photo : Yamin Tauseef Jahangir |
photo : Ata Mohammad Adnan |
She also said that her inspiration has always been her uncle, Dr. Aftabuzzaman who is a photographer by hobby too.
Ashif Md Ridwan was also one of the four photographers who displayed his work under the theme of 'Life as it is'. “My randomness is something that I don't want to let go off. 'Life as it is' is my way of viewing life - enjoying and reliving every moment of it and finding a ray of hope amidst all chaos. I hope this work will enrich the viewer's imagination and make people more observant of the elements that surround us all”, explained Ashif. Studying at IUT, he is determined to continue to work on taking more exciting photos in future.
photo : Maisha Samiha |
Yamin Tauseef Jahangir has been involved in photography since 2006. His interest in photography took shape when he used to look through his family albums, where his father took beautiful portraits of the family members. Inspired by photographers like David Burnett and Stuart Franklin, he began to observe more on life and the elements that make stories worth telling. Yamin is working as a reporter and a freelance documentary photojournalist for The Daily Star as well. He has few achievements under his hat and several exhibitions both in national and international levels. “I know Adnan for a long time now, and he approached me and asked me if I would be interested to participate in this exhibition. I appreciate the efforts that other photographers have put in to display the many beautiful pictures,” said Yamin. He worked on a theme which he named as 'Their Story'. He says his selection of photos on people from different walks of life is an attempt to depict the truth that the circumstances reveal through his lens. He decided to frame the human characters to inform others about their stories. “As a photojournalist I got to know better about the environment that surrounds them and I wanted others to know it too.
photo : Maisha Samiha |
The world that they live in is sure a different one from ours, but their silence to their hardship at times is often a question that I have always wondered.” He thanked Amirul Rajiv, Photo Editor, Forum Magazine of The Daily Star for his advices for he helping the young photographers to put up this event. “It is a headstart for these amateur photographers and I believe that they will shine in future as their talent is undeniable,” Yamin added.
Kaleidoscope of Life has successfully made a mark in making people think about their surroundings. It has set an example to people who has a knack for photography. These photographers have unique visions and would like to bring different stories in future.
With the chief guest, Syed Badrul Ahsan