Call Center Operation & Training
Tarek Mollah
HI There! Young minds, how have you all been? By the way, did you manage to catch up with my first article published on the 12th October 2008 … Well! If you didn't, please do take a glimpse and you would certainly find the topic on 'Call Center' interesting and informative. However, did you keep up with the current financial crisis the developed countries just been going through. Frankly, I find it as a 'Blessing in Disguise' for us. Don't you? Now let me tell you, such financial crisis would make these sectors outsource more of their Back Office Operations to the developing countries. This is cost management factor where these companies cannot compromise quality to exist in the competition and same time they must opt to belt tightening strategies.
However, as my core area is developing Human Resources for the Call Center Industry and in my previous article, I emphasized I would be speaking more on training, providing tips and publishing papers.
Here comes my first topic today, which is about ? Why training? ? Benefits of training in call center operation.
To begin with, rapid growth of Call Center Industry is seeing the opening of Call Center Training Schools in Bangladesh. Frankly, training costs can consume large portion of the Call Center resources and accounting of the result of training should be justified with improvement of performance.
Actually, training is absolutely required confirming further development of the agent's performance. Training ensures …
(i) Agents conducting duties professionally with higher confidence level (ii) New recruits would be as efficient as those experienced ones (iii) Better Customer Satisfaction & (iv) Improved Productivity …
So, basically it's all about training, training and training ….
Needless to say, Training isn't a one time affair. Handling diverse circumstances everyday during job performance requires an Agent to be both 'Regularly Trained & Experienced'. Additional Information/ Techniques procured during training provide Agents with more confidence & tool to deal with various situations.
Do you know training in the Call Center Management has its benefits as well. In fact, (i) It helps agents to gain high moral and training works as superb motivational gadget (ii) You would be surprised to know that … Training costs less then 'Recruiting and Hiring', now you know 'Retention of resourceful Employees are Organizations top most priority' (iii) Training works as an stimulation for Individual Call Agents to learn, develop and improve (iv) Gone are the day, in this fast moving tech world … what you learn today becomes obsolete tomorrow and Call Center Training helps Agent to keep pace (v) Training enables Agents to develop Team Work (vi) Training is a Great Investment (vii) Training eventually raises a rookie to a professional & (viii) Training eliminates Stress
I can go on but am wrapping up for today for you all to realize the significance of training in Call Center Career Development.
Remember, in Call Centers … Training isn't mere compliance but it's an absolute requirement for the agents and for the managements as well; to maintain and ensure productivity, quality and existence.