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     Volume 2 Issue 92 | November 2 2008|


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Admission in Jahangirnagar University

Farhat Tasannum Farah

THIS year's admission Test in universities will be more competitive than previous years because of the 'bumper harvest' of A+'s in the SSC and HSC in recent years. Limited seats in the public universities will make this competition even more difficult.

Jahangirnagar University usually takes their admission test before other public universities, but this year it is being delayed. The tests start from January 3, 2009 onwards. Admission forms etc are being distributed now.

The main requirements an applicant must have to apply for JU are:

* At least GPA: 3 in HSC or any equivalent exam in session 2007 or session 2008.

* Students must pass in 5 subjects in GCE 'O' level or at least in 2 subjects in the 'A' level. But, they have to have at least grade 'B' in 3 subjects in the 'O' level & 2 subjects in the 'A' level.

* Students who passed their SSC in 2004 can also apply.

* The optional subjects (Fourth Subjects) will be counted in the total GPA score.

* The Faculties organize the admission test, but applicants have to apply to departments separately. The maximum number of subjects one applicant can apply is four in a single Faculty. The general requirements are

A Unit ( Faculty of Mathematical & Physical Sciences)
The departments under this faculty are-CSE(Dept of Computer Science & Engineering),Dept. of Mathematics, Dept. of Physics, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Dept. of Statistics, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry.

This Faculty seeks applicants with total GPA 7-9 (minimum). The highest requirement is GPA-9 in the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering. Applicants must obtain at least grade 'B' in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, and Biology. This, however, varies from subject to subject in the faculty.

B Unit (Faculty of Social Sciences)[Economics, Business Administration, Geography and Environmental Science, Government and Politics, Political Science, Anthropology, and Urban and Regional Planning]
Applicants of this unit require a total GPA 6.5-9 (minimum). Department of Business Administration demands the highest score: GPA-9. This department places emphasize on a Mathematics based question format and prefers applicants from Science background.

C Unit (Faculty of Arts & Humanities)
[IR(Dept. of International Relations), Dept. of English, Dept. of History, Dept. of Philosophy, Dept. of Drama & Dramatics, Dept. of Archaeology and Dept. of Bangla].

The departments of this Faculty demands total GPA 6-6.5 (minimum) from the students of Humanities section, but they demand total GPA 6.5-7(minimum) from candidates from Science or other groups. The highest requirement is asked by the Department of English that puts stress on English.

D Unit (Faculty of Biological Sciences)
[Dept. of Botany, Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Dept. of Zoology, Dept. of Pharmacy, Dept. of Microbiology]

This faculty generally wants minimum total GPA 7 -9. Department of Microbiology asks for the highest score.

Admission Tests in Jahangirnagar is different from other universities. In other public universities, applicants sit for a unit (Faculty) and then choose their desired subject depending on their position in the merit list. At Jahangirnagar, applicants can choose their desired subject before sitting for the admission test. However, this freedom of choice prolongs the admission test. Nevertheless, it's in the interest of the applicants.

Candidates coming from outside Dhaka need to be mentally prepared because they may need to halt for a week or more. Applicants can get an opportunity to adjust with incumbent students in this only 'Residential University' in Bangladesh.

I'd personally like to welcome all the applicants (as a student of Jahangirnagar) to come to this refreshing environment, which attracts all and leaves an impression in one's mind that lasts for a long, long time.

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