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Reading as a writer
Marzia Rahman
Many of us dream of becoming a well-known writer with dozens of books published, recognized by the reading public and honored by thousands of fans. |
ONNESHA Your Child's Next Love!
Sameirah Nasrin Ahsan
July 25. I stared at the calendar impatiently. Two more days. Ugh. I was so impatient for that day to arrive that I chewed out the lead from the pencil on my hand! |
Top US State Department Official Visits Dhaka
Kathleen Kisting Alam, the Regional Educational Advising Coordinator for South Central Asia of the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs have recently made a short visit to Bangladesh.
Student to student
Rezwana Manjur
In the past few years, there has been an increasing trend in college and university undergraduates teaching younger students. |
Bangladesh Informatics Olympiad team off to Cairo
Dr. Md. Humayun Kabir
Bangladesh Informatics Olympiad team has taken part in the 20th International Olympiad in Informatics 2008 (IOI 2008), which was held on August 16 to 23 at Cairo, Egypt. |
AIESEC SummerCo 2008
Taking The First Step
AIESEC Bangladesh has just completed the recruitment of 200 Bangladeshi talents through its local offices in North South University, BRAC University, Independent University, Bangladesh and American International University, Bangladesh.
10 Days with PBTL
Tahsina Farah Sanam
Industrial Training is an extra academic course in BUET, which usually depends on the authority of different departments. |
An Architect's Dhaka
Dr. Mahbubur Rahman
Part 3
The young architecture student, now in Minneapolis, did a beautiful presentation of the mosque all in black ink dots and won the competition by defeating many artists.