Call for Feedback
Dear All,
Star Campus, the largest and most influential campus based magazine in Bangladesh, is bringing out its 64-page 2nd Anniversary Issue on the 24th of August. The main theme for our second anniversary issue will focus on students' feedback their likes and dislikes, comments and suggestions about the magazine.
So, if you are a Bangladeshi student studying in Bangladesh (or any other country), feel free to express your views about the magazine and how it has performed over the last two years. You can mention which section you want to see more (or less for that matter), which section needs improvement and which section(s) should be introduced in the near future which will be of common interest to young people.
The feedbacks should be around 100-150 words and should be sent as MS-Word (.doc) attachments and NOT as the main body of the email.
Include your name, institution and your current academic level in your institution (Freshman/ Sophomore/ Junior/ Senior/ Masters/ PhD) level students at the beginning of your feedback and send it to the following email address on or before the 15th of August:
Please note that the subject heading on the email should be:
'Feedback for Star Campus 2nd Anniversary Issue'
Mahdin Mahboob
Star Campus Desk