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Photo: Shafiqul Alam
In this issue
Open-ended Dialogue with UGC Chair
The Daily Star, arranged a new and innovative concept for a policy maker to talk and share views with direct beneficiaries. University students from both institutions public and private were waiting eagerly. They were waiting to share their views with the chief executive of the overseeing body of all universities in Bangladesh.
Our Trip to Egypt Time went away like a breeze. Egyptian International Center for Agriculture was the venue for the conference. Prof. Karl Marmorosch and Prof. Ali M. Harandi were the guest speakers from USA and Sweden, respectively. We had lunch with them and exchanged our views about contemporary issues.
Satellite-AID Conducted by YES at CMCH
The main objective behind this programme was to make the information regarding this health service providing organization's services available to the masses, to advise the patients who come to CMCH for treatment to seek help from the Information and Advice Centre of CMCH so that these people don’t suffer because of the troubles created by the middlemen and thus help CMCH
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