Lettere to the Editor
Dear Editor,
On March 30, 2008 issue of Star Campus, a feedback on one of my articles "IBACC Annual Night 2008" was published. I have a few clarifications in this regard. Hope you will publish my reply so that I can also have an opportunity to let the readers know my perspective.
Shoaib M. Siddiqui
Reply from the Writer
Dear Mr. Joshua Joyonty,
Thank you for your feedback on the feature "IBACC Annual Night 2008". I have something to say regarding the article, your feedback and my perspective. From the heading of the feature, it can be clearly understood that the feature focuses on one particular event and I am confident that the feature covered all the aspects of that program. A few times in the feature, I have mentioned about the success and activities of IBACC and you demanded the proof for them. I really appreciate your interest. But did the previous issues of Star Campus not already meet that? Around the year 2007, there were plenty of success stories on the part of IBACC. Members of the club excelled in HSBC Young Entrepreneur Award, Oxford Business School Business Plan Competition, NSU Promologic, IBA National Debate Tournament, GODS National Debate tournament and many others. All of these got coverage in Star Campus and in some cases in the main pages of The Daily Star. When a leading newspaper of the country publishes all these news, can't I expect that "the wider group" whom you mentioned is already aware? And what is the point of repeating news that has already been published? Yes, I have the supporting document for each and every sentence I wrote in that article but would it not be a simple waste of space? I respect your viewpoint but I do not find it logical to repeat already published news in an article that focuses on one single and different event. But I am really thankful to you and everyone who have interest about activities of IBACC. If you read the newspapers regularly, I am sure you will get to know about all of them.
Best regards,
Shoaib M. Siddiqui
BBA,15th Batch
Institute of Business Administration(IBA)
University of Dhaka
Dear Editor,
My name is ImZ Miah, I'm from W.London, UK, where I was born and raised. I now live and work in Dhaka
I just read the piece written by Zannatul Lamea about our Independence Day and it stirred a few emotions within me; the questions you asked were indeed food for thoughts.
Growing up, my parents always told me of the struggles faced by our people; to preserve our language, our customs, heritage and traditions and the fight for the country's independence and ultimately our people's freedom. All this raised a great deal of passion within me for my roots although it wasn't till I moved here that I embraced them fully. I honour the freedom fighters and the forefathers of our Bangladesh with my very skin with every moment of my life, whilst here it seems the fervour only rises around December and March and throughout February for our language. Maybe I'm mistaken... Then I guess one can't always be so passionate all the time, that is why we have our monuments and tributes in honour of those times and the people, then again look at some of the people who played a vital role, putting their very lives on the line, some of them pulling rickshaws in their old age... do we really honour?
Anyway, the actual reason why I wanted to write is because the article was concluded with some of my favourite words: "I salute thee..."
All the best,
ImZ Miah
Dear Editor
Rajshahi University's Finance and Banking Department celebrated its silver jubilee recently. I felt sad The Daily Star did not cover the story. I was expecting Star Campus to cover it the following Sunday.
My question is, was there no correspondent at Rajshahi University campus who could cover it?
Generally, I see that Star Campus covers any small matter if it is Dhaka based. Why is this discrimination done?
Md.Mahmudul Hasan
Dept. Of Finance & Banking
University Of Rajshahi
Dear Hasan,
We understand the pain inflicted on you after you saw that our magazine did not cover your Silver Jubilee. But there is little point in claiming that we do not cover news from outside Dhaka. Rajshahi University, just like all the institutions outside Dhaka, does enjoy regular coverage from our magazine as do the institutions inside Dhaka.
Most of the articles in Star Campus are from its contributors from all across the country. For your kind information, we do not have correspondents in any university or college. It is the students who spontaneously write and send articles about events happening in their respective institutions. You are most welcome to send in your own articles (with relevant pictures) and we will consider them for publishing.
Star Campus Editor.