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In this issue
Independence Day and Some Thoughts
On the eve of Independence Day, if we look back at 37 years of Bangladesh's political history, when the debate over the contribution to the Liberation War is not settled yet and the facts of history painfully change with the change of governments, when the country is stuck in the never ending vicious cycle of “poor get poorer and rich get richer”,
Agatha Cristie thriller on stage NSU presents its Annual Drama 2008
Annul Drama is the most happening event of the year for the students of North South University. Amidst the hectic schedules of classes and exams, it comes as a pleasant chance to set the spirit free, relax and enjoy. As the last year's event was postponed due to some unavoidable difficulties, everyone was eagerly waiting for the Annual Drama 2008.
Glorious past hangs in the air!
After an interesting journey through the Metro down to Mahatma Gandhi road, The dingy narrow road led us to Ramkamal Road surrounding which the hustle and bustle of passersby kept moving on in a monotonous pace.
Copyright (R) 2008