News Room
NID observed at Northern International Medical College Hospital
Northern International Medical College (NIMCH) Hospital arranged a special programme on the occasion of 16th National Immunization day.
Prof. Dr. Samsuddin Siddiqui, Principal, NIMCH was chief guest at the programme. Dr. Sahana Parven, Associate professor, NIMCH and Dr. Shah Jamal, senior lecturer, NIMCH were also present on the occasion.
Orientation at Eastern University
The orientation programme of the newly enrolled students of fall 2007 semester was recently held at Eastern University (EU) auditorium. Chief guest at the programme was Engr. Kh. Mesbahuddin Ahmed, member, Eastern University Foundation. In his speech the chief guest requested all students to make the university campus free from politics.
He also focused on the special programmes of EU for financially insolvent students. Dr. Rahim B Talukder, Vice-Chancellor, EU gave formal vote of thanks in the end.
Orientation at UIU

United International University (UIU) recently held an orientation programme for the newly enrolled students of Fall semester 2007 at UIU Dhanmondi campus auditorium. Around 400 students attended in the programme.
Prof. Dr. M Rezwan Khan, Vice-Chancellor, UIU, chaired the occasion, , while Faridur Rahman Khan and K.M. Ahsan Shamim, members UIU board of governors, were present as the special guests. Pro- Vice chancellor, UIU, Prof. Dr. Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman was also present. The programme was well attended by faculty members and heads of various faculties.
India Bangladesh Festival of Books and Writers 2007 at IUB
A festival titled "India Bangladesh Festival of Books and Writers" has started from November 2 at the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) Baridhara campus. It will end on November 6. Indian High Commissioner Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty was the chief guest at the inauguration programme while Prof. Serajul Islam Chowdhury was present as the guest of honour.
Seminar at IUB

A seminar titled "Addressing Reproductive Health Issues in Developing Countries: Contribution of Population Council" was held recently at the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Baridhara campus. Professor Bazlul Mobin Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor, IUB, chaired the event. Dr. Ubaidur Rob, country director, Population Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh, was the speaker at the programme. The seminar was moderated by Professor Omar Rahman, Pro- Vice Chancellor, IUB. Formal vote of thanks was given by Dr. Tanvir A. Khan, Register, IUB.
“Open Day” at JMC Dept of DIU
Md. Anish Rahman
The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication of Daffodil International University is going to observe “Open Day” from November 10-13, 2007 from 10 am to 4 pm for the students to explore and understand media and communication studies.
The open day of the department will include providing information regarding educational prospect on: Journalist, Media Professional, Public Relation Specialist, Advertising Expert, Communication Personnel, Photo Journalist, BCS Cadre, Teaching Professional
There will be special Power point presentation on the above area everyday at 11.00 am and 3.00 pm. Interested students are invited to join the open day.
RU, Admission test from Nov. 12
Aurangazeb Sohel
The Honors first year admission test for the session 2007-08 of Rajshahi University (RU) will resume from November 12. The decision has taken by the RU admission test committee in a meeting at Senate bhaban on Monday with RU Vice Chancellor and Chief of the admission test committee Professor M Altaf Hossain in chair. This year, on an average 87 student will vie for a seat in RU 47 departments. Sources said that total 279378 applications were submitted against 3175 seat (without quota) on the last on 29 November 2007. The RU authority started distributing forms from October 4, 2007. Copyright
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