Say No To Drugs
Comments of students from Chittagong
Abdus Samad Hemal
It's a harmful destructive monster for our young generation which ultimately destroy our morality and our society as well.
- Rajesh Singha, MBA (Management),CU.
Sometimes students are forced by their friends to take drugs just to test it and finally get addicted. One of my friends invited me some days ago to test 'shisha'- one kind of smoke, as it is a new item in the city offered at some luxurious restaurants.
-Ishmam, A- Level, Sunshine Grammar School, Chittagong
Just out of curiosity students are taking drugs. School and college authorities and family members must be more conscious. And cigarettes must be banned in our country immediately.
- Ishfaque Elias, A-Level,Sunshine Grammar School, Chittagong.
Broken family is one factor for drug addiction. Also sometimes students take it as a fashion thinking it cool!
- Faiza, A-Level, Sunshine Grammar School, Chittagong.
Teachers and parents must develop a friendly and transparent relationship with the students and give them advice not to take drugs. There must be a counselor for students in every educational institution.
- Deeni, A-Level, Sunshine Grammar School, Chittagong.
The Bangladesh- Myanmar border is only 280 km long. So it is easy for the government to check entry of drugs if they want it seriously.
- Moon,4th Year, Economics, CU.
Addiction begins as a bad habit. So hate the habit of smoking and taking drugs.
- Emran, 2nd year, English, CU
Now drugs are most attractive substance for the young generation. We can compare it as Epicureanism. It's an alarming threat to our generation. So, It's high time to say no to drugs.
- Shahjahan, MSS in political science, CU
Drug kills people slowly but surely. Our young generation must be aware of dire consequences of drug abuse.
-Subarna Biswas, 2nd year, Management, CU.
If you take drugs you will lose everything including family, friends and all other beloved persons.
-Merazul Alam, 1st year,Management, CU.
Drug addiction is one of the fatal curses that have fallen on our young generation. It is a great problem not only to our family but also to our society. So we must declare war against drugs.
- Nilufar Sharmin Jessy, 2nd year, Management, CU.
Say yes for life, no for drug.
- Shantono Hasan, 2nd year, Management, CU.
Drug burns down all our happiness, enjoyment and peace.
- Sabrina Khanam,1st year, Management, CU
Drug brings darkness and darkness brings death.
-Badruddoza Jewel, Bangla, 2nd year, CU.
Effect of drug is destruction of life.
-Md. Israfil Bakhtiar,4th year, F&B, CU.
Drugs is the vague light of obscure life.
- Md. Entazul Haque,4th year Finance and Banking, CU
Taking drugs is not the symbol of smartness.
- Md. Rezaul Karim, 2nd year, Management, CU.
The person who invites you to take drugs, definitely s/he is not your well-wisher.
- Yasin Arafat Rasel, 4th year, Management, CU.
(R) 2007