News Room
DU 43rd convocation
Mainul Hassan
The University of Dhaka will be holding its 43rd convocation today where a total of 7600 students will be attending. A total of 42 student will be given Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree, 23 will be given M.Phil degree and 103 students will be awarded gold medals for outstanding academic feat.
The winner of 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Dr. MD. Yunus will be given Doctor of Laws degree at the programme. The event will start at 10:00 am. The event will be presided over by Chancellor of DU, Prof. Dr. Iajuddin Ahmed, President of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and Chief Advisor to the Caretaker Government .
First Stamford University National Debate Championship'06
Mainul Hassan
The First Stamford University National Debate Championship'06 started at the Stamford University, Siddeswari campus from December 22. The event is hosted by the Stamford University Debate Forum (SDF). Nearly 50 university and cooledges are participating in the event. The event was inaugurated by President and Vice Chancellor of Stamford University, Dr. M. A Hannan Firoz. It will continue till December 26.
State University Bangladesh (SUB) celebrated victory day
Prof. Dr. Ilyas Dhami |
State University Bangladesh celebrated Victory Day by arranging a seminar and a cultural show. The acting vice chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. Ilyas Dhami presided over the event. Among the other distinguished guests were Prof. Dr. A. R. Khan, Dean School of Business, Maj. General M Shahjahan, Advisor of SUB, Prof.A.K.M. Lutfuzzaman , Dean School of Science and Technology, Prof Prof. A.Y.M. Moshiur Rahman, Principal, State College of Health and Sciences also participated in the seminar. The students of SUB presented a colourful cultural event with music, drama and recitation.
Ewu observes Victory Day
Shahreen Raihana
To observe the Victory Day the East West University Shangskritik Shangha (EWUSS) arranged a day-long special, but simple program, in front of the Administration Building on 17 December 2006.
Each and every person n EWU had red and green colored bands tied to their wrist throughout the day. Not only the students but also the faculty members, administrators, including all the staff and employee related at the EWU were a part of this solemn and simple way to show respect to the martyrs of the liberation war. This unpretentious step was taken only to symbolize our love for our country and the national flag. It also added to a sense of unity among those who had been a part of the occasion.
A cluster of members from the EWUSS was present all throughout the day to do the honor of tying the ribbons in all the hands. Posters portraying the importance of the Liberation War and the sacrifice of the martyrs were seen hanging all over the campus premises.
The new Executive Committee of AIPE formed
The new executive committee of Association of Industrial and Production Engineers (AIPE) for 2006-2007 was formed on 9 December in a general meeting of AIPE at the department of Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE), BUET. The meeting was chaired by Prof Dr. Nikhil Ranjan Dhar, Head of the department and the President of AIPE.
(R) 2006 |