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Linking Young Minds Together
     Volume 1 Issue 16 | November 26, 2006 |


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Battle of Minds - BAT Bangladesh's unique talent promotion programme

AS part of its commitment to the education sector of the country, British American Tobacco Bangladesh has been organising a unique campus-event since 2004. The programme comprises of a case solving contest named Battle of Minds and knowledge sharing sessions conducted by BAT Bangladesh managers. 2004 was the beginning of this initiative aimed at strengthening the company's partnership with the education sector as well as reinforcing British American Tobacco's image as the employer of choice for the young graduates of Bangladesh. The best team will be awarded and the top individual performers will be awarded with free tickets to "BAT Bangladesh's Assessment Centre" inviting them to take on the challenge of becoming part of the winning organisation.
This year the battle of mind will be held from 2 December, 2006 and teams from the top universities will participate in the competition. The principle media partner for this event will be “The Daily Star.”

Contest at NSU Department of Architecture
A one-day 'charrette' on open design competitionwas arranged by the Department of Architecture of North South University (NSU) on November 18. The contest was named 'A space to celebrate Dhaka 400'. Students needed to design a space to celebrate the city's 400th anniversary, at any location along the river Buriganga.

Students were asked to quickly develop a conceptual idea and present it in any chosen medium on the board. An exhibition on the designs was arranged from November 19 to 22 on NSU campus. Visiting professor John Stephen Ellis, American Institute of Architects (AIA), gave two lectures on the topics 'My works' on November 18 and 'What if Alto?' on November 19. He is chairman of architecture, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA and one of the jurors.

The first lecture was on the style of American students and a house Prof Ellis designed in Tokyo. The second lecture was on Alvar Alto, a Finnish master architect, who was first invited to do the design of the parliament building in 1962 but later he got ill and could not continue. The lecture focused on how the parliament building would look like if it had been designed by Alto.

“The buildings of old Dhaka are linear and they look like a hallway. To me the sight was poetic. I liked the look of the city from the river. It seemed that the linear buildings were connecting the city with the river. It was awesome to see so much merchandise by the riverside,” said Prof Ellis while talking about his experience of visiting old Dhaka.

The total number of students participating in the contest was 96, about a fifth of them are from other universities. Other jury members were Prof M Saleh Uddin, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA and Harun ur Rshid, vice president, Institute of Architects Bangladesh and visiting faculty, NSU. The contest was open to all.

TEDT short course at BUET
Department of Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE), BUET organised a 10-day long short course on Technical and Entrepreneurship Development Training (TEDT) for the instructors of Vocational Training Institute (VTI) at the seminar room of the IPE Department. This programme is funded by the European Union under the Small Project Finance (SPF) programme. The aim of the programme is to improve the technical and entreprenuership knowledge among the professionals working in Vocational Training Institutes (VTI). Instructors from 12 different government VTIs participated in the programme. Closing and certificate giving ceremony was held on November 18. The chief guest of the ceremony was Prof. Dr. Gazi MD. Khalil, Dean Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BUET.

IUT Reunion Program 2006
ISLAMIC University of Technology (IUT) welcomes its alumni back to campus to celebrate their First Reunion program that will be held on 8th December, 2006 at IUT campus. This is the first reunion program of IUT. All the alumni of all CIT, EEE, MCE, ITS and Higher Diploma departments and their guests can attend the program. The reunion program is being organized by the IUT Alumni Association (IUTAA). There will also be a General Assembly of IUTAA where Honorable Vice Chancellor of IUT and ambassadors of different countries will be present.

All the Alumni (both the registered and non-registered members of IUTAA ) of IUT are eligible to participate the reunion program. Any alumni who wants to participate in the program must have to buy the Tickets for the program. The guests with the Alumni can also participate the program by buying tickets. Only the 2002 batch can attend the program just by registering to IUTAA, they don't have to buy tickets.

Reunion program Schedule
The program has been scheduled for the whole day. General assembly program of IUTAA and the reunion program will go on parallel. Just after the Jumma break of Friday the Reunion program will start. There will be: Exhibition of activities of different batches, Booth for every batch, Souvenirs distribution, Multi- Cultural program attended by different community students of different countries, Concert and lots of fun with Special Dinner and other refreshments.

Hasnat Jamil Dipu
(Hasnat Jamil Dipu, Publication Committee, Reunion Program IUT)


Rajshahi University admission test

A total of 26 departments of Rajshahi University, out of the total of 47, have decided to take admission test in Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) system for the first time. Campus sources said, the rest of the departments would take the admission examinations under the existing written system.

The departments which are going to take the MCQ admission test are Accounting, Management, Marketing, Finance and Banking, Philosophy, Islamic History and Culture, Folklore, Law and Justice, Chemistry, Applied Physics, Population Science, Information and Communication Technology, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology, Mass Communication and Journalism, Library Science, Public Administration, Anthropology, Geography and Environmental Science, Botany, Geology and Mining, Genetics and Breeding, Agronomy and Agriculture extension, Fisheries and Aqua Culture and Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science.

Deposition of admission test forms for first year academic session 2006-07 has begun on November 04 and will continue till November 26.

The written admission test will begin on December 3 and will be continued till December 14, the campus sources said.

Abu Kalam
RU Correspondent of The Daily Star

10th NSU Convocation 2006
The 10th Convocation of North South University will be held at the Bangladesh China Friendship Conference Center, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday 28 November 2006.

Professor Dr. Iajuddin Ahmed Honorable President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Chancellor of NSU has kindly consented to preside over the Convocation Ceremony.

Seminar at Northern University Bangladesh
A seminar on “Roles of Central Bank in the Financial Markets of Bangladesh” was held at the Northern University Bangladesh (NUB) on 25th November 2006 at 02:15 pm in the auditorium of faculty of Business. Mr.Shamshed uz Zaman , Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank was present in the seminar as the keynote speaker.

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