News Room
Solo Photography Exhibition at the University of Asia Pacific (UAP)
A Solo Photography Exhibition by renowned heritage photographer Babu Ahmed was organised on 3-9 November 2006 by the Architecture Department of the University of Asia Pacific (UAP), Dhanmandi, Dhaka. The exhibition was opened by noted historian and archaeologist Dr Enamul Haque, currently chairman & Academic Director, the International Centre for Study of Bengal Art, Dhaka. The theme of the Exhibition was "Dilapidated Architecture of Bangladesh." Babu Ahmed travelled extensively throughout Bangladesh to capture in his camera a large number of historic monuments of great architectural and aesthetic beauty that are facing ruination due to utter neglect, and often pillage by unscrupulous persons. Prof Dr Abdul Matin Patwari, VC, UAP in his presidential speech thanked Babu Ahmed for his effort and assured him of continued support in future.
Seminar on Meet The Leader at NSU
A seminar on 'Meet The Leader' was held at North South University (NSU) on 8 November. The event was organized by AIESEC in NSU. Vice Chancellor of NSU Dr. Hafiz G.A. Siddiqi was present as chief guest on the occasion. CEO of Unilever Bangladesh Mr. Sanjay Mehta presented a keynote paper in the seminar titled 'Meet The Leader'.
NSU Dean Dr. ANM Meshquat Uddin, Dr. Golam Mohammad, Waseef Hasan, Sakib Ahsan, leader of the AIESEC in NSU, faculty members and students were present at the seminar.

BRAC University reopened
Classes resumed at BRAC University from 18 November. The admission test for spring 2007 that was scheduled to be held on 20 November has been postponed because of unavoidable circumstance. University authorities will announce fresh date at a later time.
Holy Family Medical College admission
Admission test of Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College for the session 2006-2007 scheduled to be held on 18 November has been postponed. Admission test will now be held on 30 November on the college campus. Admission forms will be distributed and accepted until 27 November.
1st Science Olympiad of Daffodil International University (DIU)
Mainul Hassan
DAFFODIL International University (DIU) held its first Science Olympiad at the DIU campus on November 10. The event titled 1st Science Olympiad of Daffodil International University featured participation by 18 universities from all over Bangladesh including University of Dhaka, Khulna University, Chittagong University, BUET, RUET, Jahangirnagar University, North South University, University of Asia Pacific, Stamford University and DIU.
150 students from the participating universities took part in the Olympiad. The topics were Fundamentals of Computer Science / Engineering, Communication Engineering/ Technology, Mathematics, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Physics. MD. Omar Ali of DIU stood 1st at the event. The prize giving ceremony was held at the Russian Cultural Center. Chief guest of the ceremony was Chairman University Grant's Commission Prof. Dr. M. Asaduzzaman, and special guest was BOG, DIU MD. Sabur Khan,. Also present were Vice Chancellor DIU Prof. Dr. Aminul Islam, Pro. Vice Chancellor of DIU Professor M. Shajahan Mina, Dean Faculty of Science and Information Technology, DIU Prof. Dr. M Lutfar Rahman, and others.
 Ideal Commerce College recently organised a reception and prize distribution programme for 135 students who achieved hundred per cent success in their academic life. The programme was followed by a cultural programme. DU Vice Chancellor Dr. SMA Faiz attended as the chief guest while Dr. MA Halim Patwari, Principal of the college attended as special guest.
(R) 2006 |