News Room
Students and teachers of IUB donate 93 bags of blood
The Division of Students Activities (DoSA) of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), in association with the Quantum Foundation, organized a day-long blood donation programme at IUB premises Baridaha campus, Dhaka on September 17. The students and teachers of the University participated voluntarily in the day-long blood donation programme. A total of 93 bags of blood were donated by them. The blood donation campaign was inaugurated by Vice Chancellor Prof. Bazlul Mobin Chowdhury.
AIUB organized seminar on Disaster Management
Recently American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) and IUCN Bangladesh jointly organized a seminar on disaster management titled "Information Technology to Enhance Disaster Management" at the university auditorium in the city.
Pro-Vice Chancellor of AIUB Prof. Dr Tafazzal Hossain formally opened the seminar and appreciated IUCN Bangladesh for its support in such initiative. Prof. Dr ABM Siddique Hossain, Advisor, Faculty of Science, AIUB analyzed the disaster management tactics from technical standpoint. Keynote speaker of the seminar Prof Dr Ainun Nishat, Country Representative, IUCN Bangladesh mentioned that different types of natural disasters are potential threat to our country and he stressed the necessity to adopt information technology to enhance the disaster management in Bangladesh. Faculty members, high level officials, and students from different disciplines also attended the seminar.
Orientation on MPhil, PhD courses held at RU
An orientation on MPhil and PhD courses for the students of Institute of Environmental Science of Rajshahi University (RU) (2006-07 session) was organized at Rrajshahi University.
RU Vice Chancellor Prof M Altaf Hossain formally inaugurated the programme as chief guest while Chairman of Institute of Environmental Science (IES) Prof Dr Sarwar Jahan chaired it. Assistant professor of IES Prof Redwanur Rahman delivered the welcome address. The function was addressed, among others, by secretary of IES Prof Sultan Ali and Professor Zakia Yasmin.
Business School of PUB organized debate competition
School of Business Administration, The People's University of Bangladesh (PUB) organized Inter 'Varsity Debate Competition-'06 and a workshop on “How to Become a Good Debater?” on 14th September, 2006. The ceremony was presided over by Prof Dr Md Aslam Bhuiyan while the chief guest was eminent debater Dr Masudur Rahman Prince. Special guest was Prof Dr Md Mainul Islam, Dean, School of Business Administration, PUB. Main speakers were Dr Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Chairman, School of Business Administration, PUB. Among others Mahbub Jamal Jahangir, Chairman, Dept of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Mahmudul Hasan, Chairman, Dept of Islamic Studies and Culture, Uzzal Kumar Acharjee, Chairman, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, Rubaba Rahman, Asst. Prof SBA, PUB also spoke on the occasion.
The workshop was also addressed by debaters Rozen Huq, Suborna Borua, Mahadi Kaisar Pabitra, Amanullah Rumi and Mokarrama.
Around fifty debaters from various Universities including University of Dhaka, State University of Bangladesh, Daffodil International University and Victoria University took part in the debate competition. SUB inter-department table tennis competition
The inter-departmen table tennis competition was organized by State University of Bangladesh (SUB) on August 29, 2006.
 A total of 46 students participated in the competition. 28 participated in the singles while 16 in doubles round. Riazur Rahman clinched the championship and Showkat Jahan the runner up trophies in singles. In the doubles, SM Golam Faiez and Riazur Rahman duo became champions and Showkat Jahan and Ahsanuzzaman bagged the runners up.
Professor Dr Ilyas Dhami Vice Chancellor, SUB graced the tournament as the Chief Guest and professor Dr Ekram-Ud-Daula, Registrar, SUB was the Special Guest on the occasion. Some of the faculty members, employees and a large number of students of different faculties were also present in that function. IUB wins IBA debate championship 2006
Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB) took home the championship trophy of the IBA National English Debate Championship 2006 while the title of the runner-up went to IBA. The championship featured performance by 14 teams from different institutions from all over Bangladesh: AIUB, BRAC, Chittagong University, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka University Debating Society, East West University, IBA, IUB, Islamic University of Technology, NSU, Peoples University of Bangladesh, Rajshahi University and Stamford University.
(Read the full story in our next issue)
Participation of BUET IPE Students and Alumnis in Production Cost Reduction Workshop
Students and Graduates of the department of Industrial and Production Engineering, BUET took part in a workshop entitled "Production Cost Reduction Technique in RMG", jointly organized by Spectrum Lanka Technology Solutions Limited (SLTS) and South Asia Enterprise Development Facility (SEDF). The day long workshop was held on 15 September at BRAC Centre Auditorium, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
As a discipline, Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE) is very much related to the RMG sector, since most of the curriculum is based on the tools and techniques of production optimization, quality management and operations management. The topic of the workshop was very much related to the curriculum and was a valuable learning experience for the students and graduates. Spectrum Lanka Technology Solutions Limited (SLTS) is the leading consultancy firm in Bangladesh dealing and aiding with problems of the RMG companies. SEDF,a World Bank supported development agency, works for strengthening the RMG sector. Their joint effort to arrange this workshop was with an intention to impart the basic knowledge about production cost reduction techniques amongst the concerned RMG personnel. As potential future affiliates of this sector, participation of IPE students in such a seminar was not only pertinent but also very much vital.
Fifteen students of the department of IPE, BUET, including two graduates who are presently working at the RMG sector, participated in the workshop. At the inaugural session, the guests emphasized on the importance and relevance of such an initiative in the present condition of RMG in Bangladesh. The speakers included his Excellency the High Commissioner of Srilanka to Bangladesh, Mr. Lutfur Rahman, Vice President, BGMEA, Mr, Sayeed Nayeem Imran, Business Development Analyst from SEDF and Mr. Aminda Atthanayake, MD of SLTS.
The first session on Industrial Challenges and Opportunities was conducted by Mr. Gunaprema Dayarathne, and the second on Application of Cost Reduction Techniques was conducted by Mr. Sarada Primal Wickramarathne. The training was followed by a lively discussion where the consultants attended to the enquiries of the participants. In the present context of the RMG sector in Bangladesh, the importance of Industrial and Production Engineers in RMG companies cannot be over emphasized. This fact was more clearly revealed through the learning of the workshop.
Many of the graduates of the department of IPE, BUET have already joined RMG industries and have contributed immensely. IPE students and graduates have always tried to maintain a strong and fruitful liaison with the RMG related companies. In addition to the seminars and workshops previously organized by Association of IPE and IPE dept. in BUET, their participation in such an event was an uplift in their endeavor to cooperate with the RMG industries.
Charity film show for Lina ends The students of the Department of English, Dhaka University (DU) successfully organized a five-day charity film show for the cause of Lina, their classmate Shahed's sister. A patient of leukemia, Lina needs to be sent to India for a bone marrow transplant, her last shot at survival. The movie show was originally scheduled to be from 2nd September till 6th September. Immense enthusiasm among the students of DU as well as other universities resulted in the show being extended up to 7th September. The show was held at the R.C Majumdar Auditorium of Arts Faculty; DU. Collections from the show were considerable and will go a long way towards ensuring better treatment for Lina. Students of the Department of English, DU would like to thank everyone for the compassion and co-operation they showed for Lina, who is still merely a college student. The Department of English also plans on organizing a charity concert for Lina in the near future, and expect response similar to what they got for the film show.
Dean's Award for 13 DU students
The faculty of social sciences of Dhaka University presented the Dean's Award to 13 students of the faculty for their outstanding results in BSS and MSS examinations.
Eight of the students were given the prize for securing first position in BSS honours examinations and five for securing CGPA-4 in MSS examinations
Vice-chancellor, Prof SMA Faiz, and president of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Prof Mohammad Asaduzzaman, handed over the prizes to the recipients at a ceremony held at the Teacher-Student Centre on Thursday last.
The students who received the award for securing first position in BSS examination are: Mir Nahid Mahmud of economics department, Abu Sayied of political science, Kajalie Shehreen Islam of mass communication and journalism, Mohammad Ashraful Haque of public administration, Syed Arman Hossain of anthropology. Lipon Kumar Mondal of sociology, Muhammad Abdus Salam of peace and conflict studies and Akand Muhammad Faisal Uddin of development studies department.Those who received the award for their results in MSS exams are Asif Mohammad Shahan of public administration, Ishrat Jahan of anthropology, Mashfiqur Rahman Khan of economics department, Niloy Ranjan Biswas of international relations and Farhida Islam of sociology.
Our In-house Awardee
The prestigious Dean's Award 2003 - 2004 was recently given to thirteen (13) students belonging to various departments of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka. The news is all over the print media. But know what? There is an in-house awardee working quietly with us at The Daily Star and we didn't even know that until the very last minute! Well, let me introduce Kajalie Shehreen Islam, who has been working at The Daily Star for the last 4 years. She is among the thirteen who have recently achieved the prestigious Dean's Award 2006. She secured first class in B.S.S (hons) examination in mass communication and journalism.
Kajalie went to school in Libya for five years, and then she came back to Dhaka and went to Scholastica for two years. Afterwards she finished her high school in Canada Carlton University.
In a little chat last week I came to know from her that she always liked writing, especially writing on contemporary issues. And as for the award she just received, it was actually an indication of how good she can be when it comes to doing something that she enjoys and gives her best into. Kajalie hopes to do higher studies in journalism for which she is currently doing her masters on journalism from Dhaka University. She looks forward to having a future in mass communications and journalism, and later combine her profession with teaching since neither of them are fulltime jobs. She also wants to go abroad at one point of time.
Kajalie is aware of the fact that this award has brought a very broad prospect of recognition for her. But she is also aware this prestigious award will raise people's expectations from her. When asked how she felt about her achievement, she said, “ I am happy and proud of it, but it definitely came as a surprise”. And with all her humility she said that she never thought she was that good a student. But her constant and contended smile said otherwise.
Well Kajalie, best of luck from all of us at Star Campus
-Nazia Ahmed JU admission forms available from Oct 15
The authorities of Jahangirnagar University will start to distribute admission forms of the first year honours course of JU from Oct 15 to Nov 1. The admission forms will be available at three branches of Agrani Bank including JU branch, Farmgate branch and National Museum branch. The admission test will begin from Nov 19.
Literary, Cultural Week held at DU
A four-day long Literature and Culture Week 2006 was organised by Faculty of Arts at Teacher Student Centre of Dhaka University. DU Vice-Chancellor (VC) Prof ASM Faiz formally inuagurated the week as cheif guest while Pro-VC Prof AFM Yousuf Haider present as special guest. Dean of the Arts faculty Prof Sadrul Amin was in the chair. About 300 students took part in eight personal and two-group events. Copyright
(R) 2006 |