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Linking Young Minds Together
     Volume 1 Issue 3 | August 20, 2006 |


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Campus Feature

A Wretched Roman Conqueror!

Shamim Ahmed

How could I be explaining this? Complexity of growing up! Or having no faith in the surroundings? Sometimes I go outside, walk around and look at different things. I might try to find myself lost long ago in the forest. The green in the trees, serenity of the water, make my soul departed and motionless. I look beyond, find nothing that can tickle my inclination and bring me up to the faded sky. I try to fly, with the broken arrows I have. I know I have to tell the story of the primitive world, I have to sing the song of the sprinkled vale and I have to take the load of that faithless princess. My friends, families and the known world keep moving away from me. I wake up in the morning with endless vision, I go to bed in the late night with the feeling of a weeping mingle like a tired nightingale flying around my depressed mind. Spirituality is the state of my drowning fate, but I can't control the passion of this running stream. I can't help killing the baby born in my mind. I just roam around, like I have never been here before. Like the dust in the mud, rain drops in the grubby desert and my heart beat in a complete silence. Will I ever find myself in the midst of my inert soul? Or the soul has already been taken away! I better know that, I better am known…before it's too late.

Did you enjoy the last night's rainfall? I felt like I was the rain man. I mean in the midst of an urban setting surrounded by a semi village is something really different. In the afternoon the whole bunch of dark clouds walked in and in the last night it was like the story of a wretched roman conqueror! I enjoyed every bit of it. The shadow of the trees, the darken structure with the wheezing meadow and so on.
I never felt it before.

Email: shamim.aj@gmail.com



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