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PM's rating The prime minister's rating has eroded over the last one and a half years. After the first 100 days of the government, 81 percent in all were satisfied with the prime minister's performance. 19 percent of the respondents said they are 'very much satisfied' with the PM's performance. The rating remained the same after one year. But now it has fallen to 13 percent. After the first 100 days, 62 percent said they are 'satisfied' with the PM's performance. This dropped to 53 percent after one year and further to 50 percent now. However, the number of dissatisfied respondents has also dropped from what it was one a half years ago. It was 15 percent then and now stands at 12 percent. The number of 'very much dissatisfied' people has increased from 3 percent six months ago to 9 percent now. The number of people who are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied has increased from 13 percent six months ago to 15 percent now. Opposition leader's rating However, the leader of the opposition's ratings did not improve correspondingly. Six months ago, 4 percent of the respondents said they were 'very much satisfied' with the opposition leader's performance. That figure has increased to 7 percent this time. Last time, 35 percent said they were 'satisfied' while 34 percent said so this time. Nevertheless, the number of people dissatisfied with the performance of the opposition leader has decreased from 32 percent one a half years ago to 26 percent six months ago to 19 percent now. People who are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied has increased from 14 percent one a half years ago to 23 percent six months ago to 29 percent now. Perception on govt's steps After one and a half years of the government, the highest number of people (35 percent) think the government has taken steps on law and order, followed by price inflation and education (33 percent). Ministers performance After one and a half years of the government, Agriculture Minister Matia Chowdhury and Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid stood out as the most efficient ministers in the opinion poll. Both of them got 17 percent of the respondents' votes. Home Minister Sahara Khatun was second in place with a 10 percent voting. Next came Communication Minister Abul Hossain with a 4 percent rating. However, it is notable that 40 percent of the respondents could not pick any ministers. Success and weakness The highest 30 percent respondents said law and order is the success point of the government in the last one and a half years. Next was fertilizer supply chosen by 23 percent respondents. Education came as third with a 18 percent vote, however, 24 percent could not pick any issue that they feel is the success point of the government. When asked to name an area they think is the weak point of the government, 26 percent mentioned power supply, 23 percent law and order, 19 percent commodity price and 14 percent corruption.