Our focus this year is on the post '71 generation. All the articles but one in this supplement are a collection of the reflections on various issues of national significance by some of the representatives of the post-'71 generation.
It is important that the spirit of 1971 is inculcated in their hearts and it's very vital for us to see what they make of '71, which they did neither see nor experience. All these writers belong to the crop of our future leaders in their respective fields and it is imperative that they are aware of the dreams of the martyrs of our Liberation War whose sacrifices have made it possible for us to breathe the free air of a free country. It is these young men and women on whom we repose our future with the hope that they would lead the country to its desired destination keeping the Spirit of 71 high, to fulfil the dreams of the million martyrs.
To the millions of martyrs we dedicate this supplement.
Mahfuz Anam