First Convocation of
Metropolitan University
By Tithe Farhana
METROPOLITAN University in Sylhet has celebrated its first convocation on 22 April, at the auditorium of Jalalabad Gas. Nurul Islam Nahid MP, Minister of education, was present as chief guest on behalf of Chancellor and Honorable President Md. Zillur Rahman. Professor Nazrul Islam, Chairman University Grant Commission, Badar Uddin Ahmed Kamran Mayor of Sylhet City Corporation, Dr Toufique Rahman Chowdhury Chairman, Board of Governors of Metropolitan University and Professor Md Abdul Aziz Vice Chancellor of Metropolitan University were present. Professor Md. Farashuddin, Former governor of Bangladesh Bank and visiting professor of IBA and East West University was the convocation speaker. Muhammad Fazlur Rab Tanvir, Deputy Registrar of Metropolitan University was the anchor of the convocation ceremony. About 482 students received graduate and post graduate degree on the occasion.
Metropolitan University started off on 3rd March 2003. Dr. Toufique Rahman Chowdhury, a promising educationist and an entrepreneur created a foundation to set up a modern private university in the Sylhet division. Currently the university has four schools namely, School of Business, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Law and School of Science & Technology. The classrooms are spacious and fitted with audio-video equipment, air conditioners and scientifically designed modern acoustics. There is a rich library to provide necessary and adequate service to the faculty and students. It is equipped with computer, Internet and electronic laboratories.
The university publishes journals and periodicals on a regular basis that cover areas and disciplines taught at the university. The last two issues include contribution from scholars like professor Dr. Syed Manzoorrul Islam, Professor Dr. Kaiser Haq and other renowned scholars. It publishes a quarterly newsletter that covers news and reports relevant to the university. The Center for Research and Publication conducts studies and researches on various topics and issues of business and development. It has organised a number of national and international seminars. Literary and cultural club, sports club, business club, ICT society, English club, health club and Law Students Association are different organisations of this university that help in developing their extra-curricular potential.