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     Volume 2 Issue 111 | March 22 , 2009|


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BUBT Celebrates CSE FIESTA-2009

Md. Saifur Rahman

THE Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) of Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) organized its two-day annual mega program CSE FIESTA-2009. One of the major aims of the event is to present the skills and highlight the proficiency of our CSE students in ICT to the local and global ICT market. The opening ceremony of this CSE FIESTA-2009 was held on February 25, 2009, at 10:30 A.M. in the common Room of the University. The entire program included a Programming Contest, Game of Intellect in E-Business, IT Fair, Math Olympiad, Voting for Cox's-Bazar & Sundarban and a Cultural Program. Prof. M. Ali Asgar, Former professor, Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), was the Chief Guest of the program. The Special Guest of the program was Prof. Md. Ali Azam, Pro-Vice Chancellor, BUBT. Mr. Zahirul Islam Adar, Chief Engineer, ATN BANGLA Ltd. was present as the Guest of Honor. The program was presided over by Prof. Md. Abu. Saleh, Vice Chancellor of BUBT.

The students of CSE department as well as students from other department took part in the IT Fair. Some renowned companies also took part in the IT Fair.

The Programming Contest was organized mainly for the CSE students of BUBT. Problems of different types according to students' level of caliber was designed for them which had to be solved in a specific time limit. The students ware ranked of their performance. A panel of judges was there to authenticate the students' answers.

The Game of Intellect in E-Business was organized for the students of Business Studies of all public and private universities of Bangladesh. At this contest, problems from E-commerce, E-business, MIS and general knowledge of Computing were given that interested the contestants. A specific time limit was allotted for the contest where different types of problems were set for the students of different skill-level. The students took part in the contest in teams. Each team contained two students and the total number of teams was 36.

The second day component of the CSE FIESTA-2009 was held on March 09, 2009 instead of February 26, 2009 because of an unexpected situation of the country. The main attraction of this day was Math Olympiad. This Math Olympiad was organized for the HSC/equivalent level students. At this Math Olympiad students of different colleges came to participate. They also participated here in teams. Each team contained two members. The top three colleges of this contest were: I) Dhaka Residential Model College, II) Dhaka College and III) Govt. Science College, Tejgaon, Dhaka.

The Prize Distribution Ceremony of the CSE FIESTA-2009, was held on the same day, Monday, March 09, 2009, at 04:30 P.M. in the Common Room of the University. Mr. A. F. M. Sarwar Kamal, Chairman of the Syndicate, BUBT, was present there as the Chief Guest. The Special Guests of the program was Prof. Md. Ali-Azam, Pro-Vice Chancellor, BUBT, and Dr. M. Kaykobad, Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), BUET. Prof. Md. Abu Saleh, Vice Chancellor, BUBT, presided over the function. The Prize Distribution ceremony was followed by a cultural program which took place in the Common Room of BUBT.

Chairman, Dept. of CSE,

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