The Meaning of Independence Day
Lutfa Khan
26th March is our Independence Day. So, how will we observe this day? Do we know the eternal meaning of Independence Day? How loyal are we to Bangladesh? Independence Day is a great opportunity to find out who we are and how we got here.
On this day we celebrate Bangladesh's independence from Pakistan. But it's also an important time to reflect on our personal independence and what that means to each of us. Are you an independent thinker or are you a reflection of mass thinking, or mass media? We live in a society where, on one hand we are encouraged to be independent thinkers, while on the other hand our family members, educational system and culture teach us to think like the others or risk being ostracized by our peers for our non-conformity.
Our thinking process is profoundly influenced by the people we socialize with. Combine these factors with the fear of not being accepted by our social peers, and it can easily be understood why many people choose to think like others rather than exercise independent thinking. We all love to believe that we are independent thinkers and that we have based our beliefs on what we independently think. However, we can easily fool ourselves.
So how do you know if you are truly an independent thinker? To answer this question you must first be aware of your thoughts and thinking process. List 5 subjects which you have opinions/thoughts on. For each subject, ask yourself;
* Why do you believe as you do?
* How did you form that thought?
* What/who influenced that thought?
* If there were no negative impacts of thinking about the subject in a different way, would you change your position on this thought?
* Are you comfortable expressing this thought in a social group?
Once you honestly answer these questions you can start to assess how much of an independent thinker you are.
My thoughts on the Independence Day
Md. Shaikh Russell
ON March 26 1971, fearless and indomitable Bangladeshis started the struggle against the Pakistani oppressors to create a sovereign country. On December 16 we acquired independence from Pakistan after fighting for nine months and three million people sacrificed their lives for the cause. Actually, the seed of independence was sown at the period of language movement in 1952; six points in 1966, mass-revolt in1969 were all closely linked with the independence movement.
We must not forget those freedom-fighters who had dedicated their lives for this country in the liberation war. But we have to identify the fake freedom-fighters in the country and should take away from them the privileges. It is painful for us whenever we hear about freedom-fighters who die from starvation in an independent country.
It is time to punish those war criminals who were responsible in the liberation war for killing our freedom fighters and innocent people.
(Department of Information and Communication, Engineering,Islamic University, Kushtia)
Not too much to ask
Nazia Ahmed
IT's been 38 years since our independence and it seems like memories are the only things that are left. Shadhinota has become clichéd and god knows what is awaiting us in the near future. I wonder if it will ever be possible to raise our flag and really fight for our nation with the same drive our heroes showed us once. All those stories about our war heroes and their sacrifices and strength have just become some commercials and routine knock-knocks in the head for a lazy, frightened nation that became of us who are now more busy pointing fingers at each other and tease. Well dear readers fortunately this is not an article meant to wake people up or a cry to shake them out of their bubbles. No. Because it has literally been proved that no bomb, no fire, no gallons of blood can shake them out from their busy lives. This article is to point out a few facts that a lot of us are (hopefully) unaware of.
The national flag of Bangladesh, the pride and symbol of our independence, simple yet meaningfully designed to capture the youthfulness, the great sacrifices and the green lushness of our beloved country. When I was in school I used to stand in front of the flag and sing Amar Shonar Bangla while our captain would slowly hoist the flag up. And before we went home, the flag was lowered down. Now here is an interesting fact. The reason for making sure that the flag was down before we went home was because it is the rule that under no circumstance the flag should be down after sunset. Some of our 'patriotic' friends nowadays treat the national flag like forgotten Christmas lights by hanging them on their balconies or rooftops 24/7 and 365 days showing their sheer patriotism but being utterly unaware of how they are offending our flag.
Another fact on the same note is that common people are not supposed to put a flag in front of their cars. It is only valid for the President, the Prime Ministers, the ministers and the ambassadors. Yet during the national Victory Day, Independence Day and more such occasions, people are seen to buy the mini flags from the roadside vendors and reluctantly put it in front of their cars, again, to show their new found patriotism.
On national mourning days the flag is supposed to be hoisted half way whereas it is common to see fully hoisted flags on 21st February.
Our nation is silently crying for help without even knowing it! It is our duty to make sure that the flag, for which so many lives have been sacrificed, is not being offended or misused in anyway. It doesn't take too much to take these small steps. After all, it is one of those few memories we have of our heroic move and our beloved Independence.
26th March- Emergence of a green sovereign land
Subir Das
26th March is a day that can never be consigned to oblivion. The preemptive assault of Pakistani soldiers on this day triggered stream of blood in our green land and lifted the spirit of our nation to attain sovereignty. The nation achieved its independence on 16th December 1971 through the supreme sacrifice of our valiant warriors after the liberation war commenced from 26th March. An excerpt from poet is worthy of mention.
“What to write in poem, While by blood we have written the name-Bangladesh.”
Palettes streamed from artists' thoughts in depiction of the severity of this day. The flag hoisted after the inception of sovereignty of the country reflects the green land centering a red sun, which depicts the glowing blood of our gallant stars. The valiant fighters left a dream, which was perhaps to build 'sonar bangla'.
Sadly enough the expulsion of the war criminals is yet to be carried out. But all the optimism remains. We have not shackle our dreams, our hopes. The spontaneous rush of people on the days of 21st February, 26th March and 16th December still reflects the strong sense of nationality.