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     Volume 2 Issue 97 | December 7 2008|


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My Favourite Personality

Munzerin Shahid

“CHANGE has come to America,” proclaimed a certain man in his victory speech, before a crowd of hundreds of thousands of supporters. Born on August 4th, 1961, he is the first African American to be elected President of the United States of America.

On the 4th of November, America was blessed with a man possessing such loyalty to his people, such integrity to his supporters and such true love for his country, that when we say, this man is the next President of the United States; we have to add that he will surely make a big difference. He will truly be a blessing, both for America and the rest of the world.

10th February 2007 was when he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States and on June 3rd 2008, he was named the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party after a 17 month long wait. He became the elected President after defeating Republican candidate, John McCain on the 4th of November. He is to be sworn in as President of the United States on January 20th of 2009. But there were no shortages of hindrances on his way to becoming President. Just before the day of the election, he learned about his grandmother's death from cancer. But he stood up to the situation and is now the first African American President of the United States.

His speeches were probably written with the same words that we ordinary people use so often, but he sure changed the meaning of the words to such an extent, that every single word he uttered made more sense than ever. He MADE us believe that he can bring forth a change that is not only evident in his words, but also in his actions. Every sentence spoken by him had such tremendous power, that there can be no soul out there doubtful about his intentions. Doubtful whether he is going to improve ties of America with other countries. Doubtful whether he IS going to be successful in changing America. His election not only sparked spontaneous street celebrations in America, but also in the rest of the world. Many realized that the image of the United States that was strained during the previous administration would change. In fact, fearing that gun laws would be made more restrictive during his administration now, people have already purchased an alarmingly large amount of firearms!

His power and his confidence are what portrayed him to be one of the most capable American Presidents to be ever elected. Today, when he is about to reside in the White House, we, the people, acknowledge him as the most powerful man on Earth.

If there was a superlative of best, it could be used to describe him.


Sristi Barua

She has gone far away…in the cave of darkness…
She left the world of love…
Beyond grief, beyond pleasure…
Touched the sky, touched the star…
There is no chirping of birds, no rush of crowd…
No colours of flowers, No changing of seasons,
No hues of rainbow there…
She tore all ties,
Left our unending gossip,
Forgot all the pains…and the smile of happiness,
She is a free soul,
Lying in peace… sleeping without dream
Seeing us from the sky…
Asking us not to cry…
Showing the truth of life,
But at a very tender time…
Yes! I lost a friend of mine…I lost
The sweetest relationship of the world…
But she comes again and again amidst us…
Tells us to dream…
A dream for living this beautiful life ~~
(The poem is dedicated to my friend TUMPA who died of cancer, on17th Oct.2008)
My friend Fauzia Tumpa's ( daughter of Ctg city Mayor Mahiuddin Chowdhury) death news was published in several dailies.
1st year, Dept. of English,
Chittagong College

Prepared by the Films and Publication Dept. of GOB

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