Eastern University- Boishaki Celebration-1414
Like any other day, the morning of 4th Boishak, 1414 (Wednesday, 18th April, 2007) was hot and glowing, but the radiance especially touched the hearts of students, faculties and officials of Eastern University. Throughout the week, the colourful and extraordinary posters all around the campus had created great anticipation in their minds, and the shining Boishaki sun of 18th April put an end to their weeklong wait.
The young and zealous students of the Entrepreneurship course in the BBA program had arranged a young entrepreneurs' fair named Boishaki Mela-1414. Most were BBA 4th batch students who would graduate in one or two semesters and perhaps become real-life entrepreneurs themselves in a year or so. Their course teacher, Ms. Jafrin Farid, Senior Lecturer of Business Administration, EU, had planted this idea into the youthful minds and had started planning for the fair almost a month ago.
The daylong fair was inaugurated by Professor Dr. Rahim B. Talukder, Vice-Chancellor of Eastern University at 11:00 a.m. Stalls were distributed among students of the 4th batch and one of the junior most batches, 10th batch, who adorned their stalls with mind-blowing mottos.
All the stalls had the classy Boishakhi look, which was accompanied by fitting names like Ghuddi, Shikor Shondhan, Boundulay, Dhrupodi, Boishakhi Vinnota, Different Touch, Poncho Barna, Biprotip, Ambrosia and Dhakaiya Khawon. Students of the 10th batch had set-up Dhakaiya Khawon even though it was not their course requirement. This was an exemplary step by the young and jubilant 10th batch, which participated in the fair voluntarily, inspired by their seniors.